Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [adv] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Probably some , who considered the idea of Making Ends Meet unacceptable and unbecoming , i.e. those enjoying the thrusting Live-Now-Pay-Later lifestyle of the 1990s , would think differently if they knew that the cost of borrowing the £5,000 that would extricate them from the consequences of their cavalier attitude would cost them almost another £5,000 .
2 For many disabled people , unwanted dependence on others would disappear overnight if they lived in a physical environment which did not handicap them .
3 They would not expect the taking of Perth and Scone to be easy , and night would fall long before they could send back to clear out Abernethy and Forteviot , or before they could press on the further twelve miles to Dunkeld .
4 That way , they would know exactly where they were , and this time , if they turned right , then right again , they would be on course for the station .
5 They would know more when they had the report from Ballistics .
6 Their choices follow : Lunn Poly 's marketing director Peter Rothwell observed that as a rule the staff in their 505 shops base their selling on the answers given by the customer in a questionnaire , to prevent mismatches between customers and the holidays they took , but he nevertheless felt safe in saying that two young couples , a bit adventurous , would do well if they invested in an ILG Drive Europe holiday along the west coast of France to Biarritz , good countryside and a nice old town , accommodation at the Mer et Golf apartments , two weeks in all with ferry and accommodation included for £255 each .
7 Up there she 's got no disrespect , somebody who 's not quite as bright as they might be er and she 's not working overtime as they would do here if they got behind , they 're working half eight to half four is it Ray ?
8 And in an oblique swipe at her critics in the Bush Administration she added : ‘ Those countries protesting at their return would do better if they offered to take some of them . ’
9 She suggested they would do better if they only sat five exams and spent the rest of their time on work which could give them a much broader education than just swotting for more GCSEs .
10 They would do so because they receive convergent input from cells at the lower levels of the system that represent the defining properties of that object .
11 In the Yeats memorial lecture in Dublin , for example , he talked about the theatre as a medium for " the expression of the consciousness of a people " and two years later he castigated the failure of most poetic drama to evoke the rhythms of " colloquial speech " ; he returned to this theme a year later when , in a preface to S. L. Bethell 's Shakespeare and the Popular Dramatic Tradition , he described the language of poetic drama as the language which people " would speak today if they could speak in poetry " .
12 The RCM tried hard to play down the issue , arguing that all those working for refugees would achieve most if they cooperated .
13 But it may be additional in the same way as the government argues EEC money to the North is — that is , they argue that they plan their spending in the expectation that they will get the EEC money and would plan differently if they did not expect to get it .
14 The hints would work only if they were true both in fact and in fiction .
15 Clients would fare better if they examined profit figures , checked track records .
16 The company says the attempt at a buyout failed because the managers realised that it would take longer than they had planned to develop a new generation of the 50 Series minicomputer line .
17 The victims would resist more if they knew the limits of ill-treatment to which they might be subjected .
18 In the council chamber quite recently one of the Socialists supported the position taken up by the Soviet Government in Russia in a way that showed what would happen here if they got the power in their hands .
19 Some of them would suckle forever if they could . ’
20 The Assembly had 386 seats and under the country 's complex electoral system ( approved in October 1989 — see p. 36961 ) , there were 176 single-member constituencies , where results were decided either by overall majority in the first round , or in a second round to which candidates would go forward if they finished in the top three or obtained over 15 per cent of the vote .
21 I suppose ROI would go there if they get through ! !
22 ‘ Our horse would get there before they do . ’
23 They would live here while they gathered the leafless branches of the surrounding trees and prepared their charcoal for winter use in the local castle or town .
24 She thought it would come right when they were married .
25 In its earlier days , pregnant girls would come there because they were homeless , they would stay six weeks before and after the birth and their babies were almost invariably adopted .
26 Increasing workload within the same length of working day : this would again produce poorer responses for lexicographers but in addition batch processes would be requested more frequently and this would require either that they run during normal working hours or that Computer Services staff would need to work more unsocial hours .
27 Both babies would smile stickily when they saw me over the edge of the cot , which was gratifying in a way , but I knew it was only because they were programmed that way , like public relations men .
28 It would start probably because they are illegal , erm but basically because everybody else running about me er , was trying it , my friends so it basically boiled down to peer pressure at the start .
29 And it would start again and they were singing all lovely and they 'd get half way through the tape and he was going yeow yeow .
30 The aunts would reply indignantly that they only wanted to help , whereupon Addy would shout from the kitchen that if either of them could cook worth a damn perhaps they could be something other than a bloody nuisance .
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