Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He expressed particular concern that the President would remain Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces , albeit nominally .
2 Sir Denys Henderson would remain chairman of the two groups .
3 Even however , if the hereditary element were thus removed , there would remain controversy about the basis of selection for the rest .
4 It was not clear whether Mmusi would remain secretary-general of the ruling Botswana Democratic Party .
5 At a federal congress on May 28-31 in Bremen 97.4 per cent of delegates voted in favour of the election of Björn Engholm , 51 , as chair of the SPD in place of Hans-Jochen Vogel , 65 , who was retiring after four years ( but would remain chair of the SPD faction in the Bundestag .
6 Darwin was one of a small group of naturalists who took the opposite route , following Lyell in the search for natural processes at work in the present and the recent past that would throw light on the distribution of life around the globe today .
7 He realized that the structure of each species — and especially the development of the embryo — would throw light on the relationship of one form to another .
8 It is possible that for brief periods during construction of the breakwater , barges or other vessels may need to moor in positions which would affect operation of the radar station .
9 This discourages mounting adhesive from oozing on to the lower surface of the preparation , where it would affect attachment on the lapping machine 's vacuum chucks .
10 There were to be mixed commissions whose deliberations would be sent to bishops and experts for comment , while a new committee would oversee collaboration between the commissions .
11 He says yes , the church would make money from the land , but that 's not the point .
12 This submission would make a nonsense of the rule that a grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease and would make nonsense of the concept of a tenancy from year to year because it is of the essence of a tenancy from year to year that both the landlord and the tenant shall be entitled to give notice determining the tenancy .
13 For example , " walked " might be substituted in 1. , but it would make nonsense in the other three contexts .
14 Tonight she would make love for the first time — and it would be with the man she loved .
15 A top source said in Dublin : ‘ It would make sense for the President to time his visit to coincide with the opening of Barrettstown Castle as Paul 's first camp in Europe .
16 Once the topics had been set out in an order which would make sense to the recipients ( in this case of a postal questionnaire ) then the questions could be worked out .
17 I just thought that something like that it would be very good practice but if you have a related documents to have a record of the enquiry with it would make sense of the enquiry , even if our situation was different to the other divisions .
18 Promotion to Vice-Questore seemed certain and the general feeling was that if I played my cards right I would make Questore in the end .
19 By tying together the two most important heavy industries in a modern economy , the Schuman Plan would make war between the two countries unthinkable and foster a rapprochement between them .
20 To combat the opposite extreme of jerry-building , we would make membership of the Housebuilders ' Registration Council 's register compulsory upon all contractors for local authority houses , with a view to rendering the building industry eventually an industry subject throughout to publicly-approved standards .
21 Section 1(8) prohibits insiders from communicating unpublished price sensitive information to any other person ( ie not only individuals ) , if the insider knows or has reasonable cause to believe , that that person or some other person would make use of the information to deal , or counsel or procure some other person to deal on a recognized exchange in those securities to which the communicated information relates .
22 According to s.5(1) ( b ) an insider is prohibited from communicating information to any other person knowing , or with reasonable cause to believe , that that person , or some other person , would make use of the information for the purpose of dealing , counselling , or procuring , any other person to deal in those securities on any stock exchange outside Great Britain .
23 These would make use of the display panel which is to be ordered 1993/94 .
24 Lord Scarman , for example , rejected the GLC 's interpretation of the 1969 Act on the ground that it ‘ would make mincemeat of the fiduciary duty owed to the ratepayers ’ .
25 That would make trade among the republics even harder .
26 By contrast , a parent of Pakistani origin with a child at an RC school accepted it would treat Christianity as the basic doctrine .
27 There are exceptions to this rule , for example large fish can be fed on chopped horse 's heart and the okapi ( similar to the giraffe ) could be fed on evergreen oak leaves when in the wild it would eat vegetation from the hot Congo forests .
28 Such a frank appraisal would elicit sympathy from the markets and the British people alike .
29 This new cultural leadership was articulated in terms of a spiritual character or aura which would elicit consent on the part of the governed and was of immense influence for the early development of the institutionalized discipline of English studies .
30 Khruschev 's boasts in the late 1950s , that Communism would outstrip capitalism by the 1980s , had proved as empty as his threats over Berlin .
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