Example sentences of "would [adv] have [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We would rather have no help at all than continue to do that . ’
2 I would rather have no bolts and the romantic ethic — leave it for the next generation if it requires a bolt .
3 I had planned to buy a flat with Geraldine but realized that if — no , when — John came back I would rather have a home all set up for him .
4 Although of course I would rather have a Pissarro .
5 Well what I would what I would do erm I would rather have a commitment for a date to start when you go out of here and if you say if you 've got if you 've got something that comes up then fine .
6 I feel that in some senses it becomes almost about a certain strain of purity — that we would rather have a demonstration of 50 people on maybe a fuller , total political programme , than we would a demonstration of 50,000 people on maybe more limited aims but nevertheless political aims that we do feel carry us forward , but which could draw into activity a broader range of people .
7 He had even spoken — interminably — at the famous meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science , held at Oxford in 1860 , when Huxley allegedly scored his victory over Bishop Wilberforce with the retort that he would rather have an ape for an ancestor than a man who used his privileged position to pronounce on matters he knew nothing about .
8 Huxley 's retort that he would rather have an ape for an ancestor than a bishop — or words to that effect — has come to symbolize not merely the conflict between Darwinism and the Bible but the victory of science over religion .
9 I would rather have an RSPCA worker who retained the capacity to weep than one hardened to the darker necessities of the job .
10 It is quite normal to pay out bonus tickets in December which costs us over £30,000 but the committee felt members would rather have the benefit over 52 weeks so the bonus system was abandoned to cover the cost . ’
11 There are some folk who will talk about the the baptism of the spirit , and the gifts of the spirit , and say , oh well , well they 're all very well and good but I would rather have the fruit of the spirit .
12 ‘ I would rather have the problems we 've got and still be in the European Cup than be without them and a place in the Champions League as well , ’ said the manager .
13 ‘ You would rather have the Conservatives in power ? ’
14 They said they would rather have the cash .
15 If the British proportion were increased in the 1990s then this would only have the effect of bringing Britain into line with her industrial competitors and , presumably , investing for the future .
16 What would happen is the prescription would be written and they 'd either get it from the chemist who would constantly have a stock coming in or the hospital .
17 It is , therefore , unreasonable to expect that first-line or even middle management would necessarily have the perspective or information needed to deal effectively with all ideas that are brought to their attention ( second communication gap ) .
18 So if I were you I would just have a word with your insurance company and make sure that everything 's okay but you 're obviously , they must know that you 've got to leave your er fridge-freezer switched on , so you 've got to have your mains electrics on .
19 And then it would er at that time you would just have the tank workers and the quarry workers .
20 Spectators would thus have the interest of professionals playing with well-known personalities on the formula made so popular by Peter Alliss 's programmes , followed by the drama of a full-blooded professional shoot-out .
21 The most efficient recyclers would thus have an incentive to go further than they would otherwise do .
22 She appealed unashamedly to her English readers for money for the foreign artists : ‘ If anyone likes to send some money , I will promise to dispense it with the most rigid favouritism towards people who would probably sooner beg than risk the jaundice of a free meal and would sooner have a note of twenty francs all at once than beg every day . ’
23 Well I did , I took it , I took it out and said , alright when I went and enquired , I said well I would normally have a cheque book now cos I 'm not always in the bank , and I had this slip to say I do n't need one will come automatically he said oh yes , but that breaking down is hopeless , then I should fill it in now and I 'll take it .
24 Indeed , the firm would normally have a UK office and so would not be an overseas person .
25 Note that this saving throw is not strictly speaking because of armour , and the Orc always has a saving throw of 6 even if he is struck by a weapon that would normally have a saving throw modifier .
26 A person who harassed a neighbour with racist abuse would nevertheless have no defence that he was not acting in public if his words were , ( as he knew ) audible to the person next door .
27 In the legal world , the most archaic of the lay professions , the idea of status was closely linked to the notion of the grandeur of the law itself : if the population had no respect for judges and barristers , they would soon have no respect for the law of the land .
28 He believed that the company would soon have a network of debt surveillance collectors throughout Europe .
29 Within a couple of months Constanze was pregnant , and Mozart realized that he would soon have a family to support on what was still a precarious income .
30 If they left an old rusty car on the road or a new car without road tax , they would soon have a visit from the police and the offending vehicle would have to be removed .
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