Example sentences of "would [be] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There would be simply a walkout and the men would stay out until management either conceded to listen to one of their representatives and resolved the matter then and there .
2 He argued in his essay On Liberty that State schools , with a State control over the curriculum , would be simply a means of producing a docile and bien pensant population , moulded in accordance with the wishes of the government of the day .
3 Because the US was sacrificing blood and treasure to assure peace and stability in the Far East , the maintenance of which after the war would be largely a US responsibility , it would not have been unreasonable ‘ to insist that the French give adequate assurances as to the implementing of policies in Indo-China which we consider essential to assure peace and stability in the Far East ’ .
4 Every man owed allegiance to a Lord — the tenants who worked the field would hold his land from the owner , who would be either a Baron ; a Bishop , or the Abbott of a monastery , to whom the tenant had to render service .
5 And if it were possible for you to decide that one of these options , one to eight , were to suit your regular and usual purposes at these meetings for general discussion then that obviously would be both a saving in erm time and labour and is one of the reasons why one installs computerized equipment so that you do n't er then have to do it all manually as well .
6 Blaming it on the Company would be just a fallback — you would n't believe me if I said I was n't drinking of that but you might believe me if I say we 'd prefer the good old British way : that nothing happened and there 's no blame at all .
7 This set would be just a taste of what was to come in the wedding dower , a tantalising taste of the jewels that would eventually be showered on the bride .
8 A leaseholder ( unless prohibited by his own lease ) can himself grant a lease for any term less than that which he holds ; a grant for an equal or greater term would be merely a transfer of his own interest .
9 While denying that he would be merely a stopgap premier , Goh nevertheless stated in December 1989 that " it is obvious that Lee Hsien Loong will be after me " .
10 Then it would be purely a matter of waiting for the assassin 's bullet to strike home , or a carefully planned accident to take place .
11 And that would be then a matter for the county to determine how they would proceed from that point .
12 Dot tried to imagine that the two women in front were her footmen and she was one of the royal princesses , preferably Margaret because she would n't have to be queen which would be quite a responsibility if you thought about it , going for a drive in a carriage with her regal dogs and her regal flowers .
13 Many people would lose their jobs if the firm were to go bankrupt ; skills and research would be lost ; for Britain 's largest manufacturer to vanish would be quite a blow .
14 The redundancy money would be quite a bit but that was not the same as having a wage coming in .
15 Of course , I thought , it 's the ashes of the coffin as well , so it would be quite a weight .
16 And there would be always a beast or two cut up for to be given to the village .
17 I I think if we get one of them we 'll be doing very well , and to get two would be perhaps a bit naughty .
18 Christmas , Christmas would be twice a year so we could have lots of good cheer .
19 In the '70s , people would say that in the future , pop music would be chiefly a matter not of songs , but of strange space-age bleeps and fizzes .
20 Memory suggested that both Byron and Shelley had a taste for the morbid ; no doubt they would enjoy meeting Edgar Allan Poe — yet Poe would be only a child still , somewhere across a very wide Atlantic .
21 Nor did I know that our intestinal tracts are those of a herbivore , 32 feet long and that if we were meant in enjoy Contre-filet braisé à l'ancienne they would be only a quarter of that length .
22 The best time of day would be between twelve noon and three thirty or four o'clock , this is a time when the manager is generally out having one of his long lunches , er the assistant manager would probably return to the bank about round about two , two thirty , and the situation in the bank er between these times would be that there would be only a handful of staff , usually junior staff on duty who are more susceptible to passing information than the senior staff .
23 All that has happened in tokamaks has been consistent with the 1970 view , formulated by Lev Artsimovich , that achieving the conditions required for thermonuclear ignition in tokamaks would be only a matter of time and of larger machines and the development of ways of heating the plasma .
24 And it was easy to believe that the evidence for test-tube fusion was fairly solid , good enough that it would be only a matter of time before it was proven definitively , especially with the BYU people already claiming to have some independent evidence .
25 The convention , which has been proposed by Greenpeace , would not so much be concerned with enforcement and punishment but " would be more a guidance framework to be introduced into the thinking of governments " , declared Richard Falk , professor of international law at Harvard University and one of the keynote speakers at the conference .
26 For this reason you are not asked questions which would require only knowledge , as this would be solely a test of memory .
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