Example sentences of "would [adv] have [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He observed that his authority and influence were likely to have put her still more off her guard than she would naturally have been from her age and inexperience ; that a fear and awe of the prisoner might check her resistance … ’
2 Damage whilst on other premises is now covered , but would not have been under the previous Engineering policy .
3 Angela Brickell would not have been to his taste .
4 The implications of that piece of grandiloquence would not have been at all to his taste , as anyone can see from reading a paragraph or two of any of his books .
5 This failure with this surprising machine would not have been at all like the failures of ordinary deterministic coin machines .
6 If either of these sentences were true , the story would not have been worth telling , since the conversion would have been a purely fanciful affair which bore no relevance to Lewis at the deepest levels of his being .
7 However , this would not have been worth as much as the Guardian payout to the average investor .
8 But when a lawyer asserts that A can sue B , what he means is that A can sue B , successfully ; if he meant his words to be taken literally , they would not have been worth the uttering .
9 For post-designation companies , about two-thirds would not have been in the zones had designation not taken place .
10 Fortunately the incident took place during the school holidays , otherwise I would not have been in the garden later in the morning , when a cock started crowing .
11 On the other hand , it is conceivable that he would not have been in a position to appreciate the differences very clearly .
12 It would not have been in his nature , nor would he have been inclined , to do otherwise …
13 For if only he could fly free then perhaps this life of hers would not have been in vain .
14 But it would not have been in the least like that , really .
15 It would have been so much easier if he had remained hostile towards her , but she could sense that that simply would not have been in keeping with his personality .
16 Indeed de Gaulle would not have been in the least surprised had he known of Kennedy 's assurance to Macmillan in April 1961 that Anglo-American relations would be strengthened by British entry .
17 If the remedies provided in England were of universal application then it is clear that this appeal would not have been before your Lordships .
18 It was a clear hour after Bissett would normally have been at his desk .
19 Certainly er by then perhaps I forgot to mention as we went through the front door my weapon was already out of the holster and by the time we 'd got the bedroom door my weapon would already have been under er my eye level , hence literally aiming the weapon and from there the gun was out , my arm was out , whether I still had hold of P C I I ca n't recall .
20 Reluctantly , Charlotte agreed , even though she was sure he would already have been in touch with them in such an event .
21 Under normal circumstances , such as those which have pertained there for at least 685 years , it would hardly have been worth investigating .
22 Jesus would hardly have been in a position to carry out this miracle of healing .
23 On the particular afternoon to which I am referring , his lordship would still have been in his mid-fifties ; but as I recall , his hair had greyed entirely and his tall slender figure already bore signs of the stoop that was to become so pronounced in his last years .
24 If I had been a marquis , I felt , I would still have been in bed or perhaps just parting the curtains and peering out to see what kind of day it was But Lord Hulton worked all the time , just about as hard as any of his men .
25 ‘ Gray would still have been in a job if we had won at Torquay , ’ said Corden , ‘ but it was a diabolical performance and we felt something had to be done . ’
26 ‘ Gray would still have been in a job if Darlington had won at Torquay . ’
27 It was ‘ abundantly clear that the byelaw maker , if he had appreciated the limitation on his powers , would both at Greenham Common and at Fylingdales nevertheless have gone on to make the bylaws in such a way that the proviso to section 14(1) was given effect but all the world save commoners would still have been within their ambit ’ .
28 He had no idea what he was going to do and if the crow had ignored hid he would probably have been at a loss .
29 Both seem to have attracted around 30 people ; Hague , named last year as the fittest man in the House , would probably have been at home in either .
30 ( If mortality rates for the age group 20–24 could have been calculated , the nadir would probably have been in that age class ) .
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