Example sentences of "would [adv] be [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So what I 'm saying is that although there will be an overspend , it should n't be massive cos the overspend would effectively be the hump right at the beginning of the year .
2 He told one correspondent that Eliot owed his best poetry to Pound — he was convinced that there would eventually be a vogue in favour of Pound which would take the form of a reaction against Eliot ( in that he was to be proved right ) .
3 Charles Russell also found much to admire in his Manchester Scuttlers , seeing in their violent gang fights a ‘ sense of comradeship ’ which he could not altogether disapprove of : ‘ The ‘ Scuttler ’ ’ was not wholly bad ; he would rather be a blackguard than a dullard .
4 In Five go to Mystery Moor , George ( ‘ Georgina by rights ’ says the explanatory blurb ) has the bitter experience of jealousy when the group is joined by ‘ another girl … who would rather be a boy , and tries to act like one ! ’ — Henry ( Henrietta ‘ by rights ’ ) .
5 ‘ I think it would rather be a matter of relinquishment of the claim .
6 If a man would rather be the machine , I can not argue with him .
7 I would rather be the creator of my own success .
8 But we would rather be the long-shots .
9 There would presumably be a driveway of sorts leading from the back of the house to the road and my easiest way home .
10 The second is that if , following the Francovich case , there was held to be a right to damages in such circumstances , the effect of requiring an undertaking from the council would be to impose liability in damages on the council instead of on the United Kingdom which , as I understand the position , would properly be the party so liable .
11 I am sure this would only be a minority but it is always the minority that spoil it for the majority .
12 Though since , should he do nothing , then in the way of all these things the news would only be a nine-days ' wonder , she had other matters to concentrate on .
13 If I took your silver , I would only be a thief .
14 Anything else would only be a repetition .
15 But this would only be a story , and would not ring true .
16 There would only be a couple of weeks left when he returned before the opening at the Fortune Theatre on 17 September .
17 The National Insurance contribution complications would be avoided as there would be no need to pay directors ' salaries as the individual partners would rely on their own shares of profit as their source of earnings and the company partner would only be a vehicle for building up capital .
18 And with a team of assassins awaiting Jamel Mobuto 's arrival in America , it would only be a question of days before Tito Ngune was inaugurated as the new President of Zimbala .
19 It would only be a matter of ti me before the pubs , the little grocer and the dry-cleaner 's were replaced by some establishment selling something on which an enormous mark-up could be obtained .
20 It would only be a matter of time , analysts warned , before a conservative backlash would begin with the usual repressive measures against bourgeois liberalism .
21 It would only be a matter of time before the strong-willed de Gaulle would seek to reshape the EEC according to his own conceptions .
22 It was what she saw as the excessive time and attention given to the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians which she objected to most strongly , feeling that it would only be a matter of time before the Governors took action to alter the position .
23 It would only be a matter of time before it was discovered but it was the best she could do in such a short time .
24 And it would only be a matter of time before they came to investigate .
25 If a complete unified theory was discovered , it would only be a matter of time before it was digested and simplified in the same way and taught in schools , at least in outline .
26 . If it was on a P D P Eleven then the addressing would only be a matter of si sixteen bit as well .
27 If not for the operation it would only be a matter of months before she had to go on Dialysis .
28 Sir John knew it would only be a matter of time before his masters at the Guildhall or , worse still , the Regent at the Savoy Palace , asked for an account of his stewardship .
29 Site fear : Residents ' fears over coke gas detected under the pitch of the rundown Holly Park stadium in Garston , have been calmed by city council officials , who say problems with contaminants would only be a risk if the ground was disturbed .
30 It 's no use my telling you what it is — she might not agree , and then it would only be a waste of time . ’
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