Example sentences of "would [adv] be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably each side would want to state its position about the quality/condition of the sample and the evidence would presumably be about other samples said to be of various qualities or conditions .
2 Launching a business with redundancy pay carried considerable financial risks , while training would only be of lasting value if there was a real job at the end of it .
3 ‘ The overall view is that much improvement can be made in these guides , which at present would only be of marginal use to a student .
4 The point of a demonstration may be nullified if the target of the protest is not within the sight or hearing of the demonstrators , and it may be expected that it would only be in exceptional circumstances that conditions would be imposed preventing such a gathering .
5 I remind my hon. Friend the Minister , who has Scottish ancestry , that to upset large numbers of railway enthusiasts in Scotland would not be of additional help to the Conservative party north of the border .
6 The possession of South Korea is not essential for Allied strategic plans , and though it would obviously be desirable to deny it to the enemy , it would not be of sufficient importance to make it the cause of World War III .
7 In the case of Scottish and Northern Irish solicitors , application would not be for overseas lawyer status but for full membership of the Society .
8 ‘ If I kept a careful check on your movements — which I do n't — I can assure you it would not be for sentimental reasons . ’
9 This attitude also led him to express his distaste for the American-sponsored discussions on world trade , known as the Kennedy Round , that were currently being conducted within GATT : again , he suspected that they would produce a heightened American influence in Europe , something that would not be in Western Europe 's or France 's interests .
10 Local authorities will now have to divorce their regulatory arms from the disposal organisation by forming separate companies which would normally be in private hands .
11 For on the tenth day he sent forward another deputation under the flag of truce to declare that he knew well of the shortages in the beleaguered town and that they would soon be in desperate straits .
12 Henceforth ‘ industry ’ and ‘ art ’ would always be in symbiotic struggle , within popular as well as elite genres .
13 The Producer would still be in overall charge , but his or her role was now far more strategic than tactical .
14 Reminding her that she would still be in full control at all times , I asked her whether it was not worth trying the technique to see what happened .
15 This did not take place , however , because schools would be required to go through the process at different times and such training would probably be of limited value for schools which were not to undertake an appraisal for some time .
16 It would also be of great interest to learn about the distinctive experiences and initiatives taking place across the rest of the UK .
17 If it were a perfect world the cable links into subscribers homes would also be of optical fibre , and upwards compatible in the future .
18 This would be the first stage of an overland communication with India ; and it would also be of immense advantage for Britain 's trade with Europe , valuable to all parties .
19 Classless Mr Major , one might guess , would also be against hereditary powers .
20 Integrating some of the Public Schools in the way proposed would eventually cost about £12m. each year , and £6.1m. in the short term : these plans would now be in open competition with the proposals of the Newsom and Plowden Reports , at a time when severe economies were being applied to public expenditure .
21 Certainly there seemed little point in giving either side the initial advantage ; invasion by one might be precipitated by an agreement with the other , and if Germany and the USSR came to blows , it would inevitably be on Polish soil .
22 This Pro-hib-ition , or whatever they call it , is comin' , you mark my words , or the Tally boys would n't be into other ‘ arrangements ’ , as they say , and lookin' to buy cellars and hidey-holes and places behind walls , if ye follow me .
23 It would undoubtedly be of great benefit to future scholars working in this field if the College were to create a central repository of classified material on a sector of education of which it is , after all , a not insignificant part .
24 In deciding whether police services are ‘ special ’ the court will take into account : ( 1 ) whether the officers are required to attend on private premises or in a public place ; ( 2 ) whether violence has already occurred or is imminent — if so , the services can not be ‘ special ’ ; ( 3 ) the nature of the event — public events like elections lie at one end of the spectrum , private events like weddings at the other , and events like football matches somewhere in the middle ; ( 4 ) whether protection can be provided without using officers who would otherwise be on other duties or off duty .
25 Thus , an agreement to get drunk would doubtless be against public policy , but an agreement to refrain from doing so would be sufficient consideration for a return promise .
26 The level of noise pollution from one of the larger aerogenerators which during high winds would achieve supersonic speeds at the end of the blade would certainly be of formidable proportions .
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