Example sentences of "would [adv] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to some commentators the peace process would effectively be placed on hold at least until January 1993 when Clinton took office .
2 If the effect of the new issue was to value PCI at $150 million , which would be very modest by American valuations of telecommunications companies , given that it has 12 to 13 million potential subscribers , it would mean Pittencrieff 's oil and gas interests would effectively be valued at nothing at the company 's current market capitalisation of just under £100 million .
3 Neither the Soviet Union nor China herself was capable of meeting the demand for textiles : Japanese textiles would eventually be accepted in exchange for Chinese commodities , including minerals , since Japan was the obvious market .
4 I was convinced it would eventually be revealed to me . ’
5 After correction , the newspaper page would eventually be cast in metal by printers and made ready for the presses to roll .
6 That had stopped the Ministry ‘ dead in its tracks ’ and it had come to the conclusion that if it denied premium to the rearer of suckled calves it would eventually be challenged by a hill farmer before the European Court .
7 The agreement contained a provision that currency values would eventually be dictated by the strength of the respective economies .
8 The residual stakes would eventually be placed in a new public company 51 per cent owned by the Treasury .
9 Most observers believed that south Korea would eventually be unified by north Korea with the support or at the instigation of the Soviet Union .
10 But the proposed analogue HDMAC could only ever be an interim standard , as it has been generally accepted , for some time , that analogue HDTV would eventually be superseded by digital HDTV .
11 He predicted that the percentage of foreign nationals in Kuwait would eventually be reduced to less than half the population .
12 The commitment of Paisley and his supporters to protesting against both religious apostasy and political compromise ensured that the movement would eventually be confronted by the legal powers of the state .
13 They could not believe that large numbers of mammals would eventually be found in some of the earliest rocks .
14 Ken hoped that the schism in the Church between those who had taken the oath of allegiance and those who had refused would eventually be settled by the deaths of the latter .
15 The trading employees in India were not paid salaries in the modern sense of income they could live on ; they got small retainers , starting at perhaps £5 a year , and it was taken for granted that they would supplement their retainers by trading , sometimes acting as agents buying the goods that would eventually be exported by the Company ( though this could easily lead to fraud ) , but more often dealing for their own account .
16 To friends , he was a quiet genius ; unbeknown to them , his personality would eventually be siezed in the grip of mental illness — with devastating effects .
17 ‘ Profits from this operation would eventually be used to further the line northwards in stages , and in particular pay for a key bridge over the River Glaslyn .
18 This set would be just a taste of what was to come in the wedding dower , a tantalising taste of the jewels that would eventually be showered on the bride .
19 For Roy , being born in St Andrews and having a keen golfer for a dad , it was inevitable that he would eventually be bitten by the bug .
20 On the other hand , when quantum effects were taken into account , it seemed that the mass or energy of the matter would eventually be returned to the rest of the universe , and that the black hole , along with any singularity inside it , would evaporate away and finally disappear .
21 Such a move , however , would rarely be made during the course of a particular season .
22 Perhaps he would rather be called by his right name .
23 As is usual in such cases the myth seems to be somewhat remote from the historical facts but , for what it is worth , Wilberforce is supposed to have remarked that : " Whatever certain people might believe he would not look at the monkeys in the Zoological Gardens as connected with his ancestors ' , to which Huxley replied : " I would rather be descended from an ape than a bishop " , which has merits as repartee but is hardly a contribution to science .
24 If the chips are down I would rather be tried by an average jury than the CAA or SIB .
25 ( Is there anything else you would rather be doing at the moment , apart from being a housewife and a mother ? )
26 ‘ They knew that I liked girls and if I had a choice , I would rather be talking to the girls than doing my homework . ’
27 The introduction of the national language and literature at Oxbridge was seen ( at least to begin with ) as a broadening and rejuvenation of the " literary " curriculum which would thereby be sustained as a foundation for more specialized study .
28 Similarly , in Swedish Match AB/Alleghany International Inc. ( 1987 ) one reason adduced for permitting the merger was that a factory in a high unemployment area of Liverpool would thereby be saved from closure .
29 This court had to decide in In re J. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 whether to withhold consent to abstain from giving mechanical ventilation in the interests of artificially prolonging life , whatever pain and suffering would thereby be caused to the child .
30 The only specified penalty for the six republics which had not participated and were not expected to sign the Treaty ( Armenia , Estonia , Georgia , Latvia , Lithuania and Moldavia ) , was that they would thereby be excluded from a new " common economic space " .
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