Example sentences of "would [adv] [adv] [vb infin] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It 's about preventing crime , because people who are burgled would rather not have been burgled in the first place .
2 Even 18 months ago , the material would most probably have been in the form of near-illegible carbon copies of an original laboriously produced on a manual typewriter — devices which until recently had to be registered with the authorities .
3 Trowark himself would most likely have been found under the thick cable-knit cover of his Cornish Knit Frock .
4 According to John Rogers , who knew Miller , a serious difference of opinion over the publication of some of the Society 's proceedings caused the break-up and , he says , ‘ the opponents of the publication demanded their papers from Miller , who immediately gave them up , having , however , with his usual foresight , taken a copy of each , otherwise their valuable contents would most likely have been lost to the world . ’
5 This substitute would most likely have been an animal , and it is reasonable to assume that by this time animals were , to some extent at least , tamed if not domesticated .
6 Skinner 's notes to the final disc in the Christchurch recordings of the Byrd masses skate over the exact reasons for this change of pitch and , although I would agree that the brighter sound of trebles has the greater immediate impact than men 's voices alone , it could be argued that if this Mass was ever used , it would most likely have been performed by solo voices or a small and musically skinned ensemble gathered to celebrate a recusant Roman service , probably without the participation of boys .
7 It was odd , Hope thought , as he lay deeply sunk in the great feather mattress , how perfect and desirable such a dowry would so recently have been to John — for Mary was the only child and it was apparent that the landlord would give her everything .
8 You are thus investing money for retirement much of which would only otherwise have been paid to the taxman
9 Liveseys ' would only ever have been the first rung of the ladder , to him . ’
10 Set up in 1983 under the Finance Act , the BES has been a major facilitator of the channelling of funds to businesses ( Peat Marwick 1986 ) , many of which would apparently not have been able to raise capital without the help of the BES , although it was also reported that very little of the funds were provided for seedcorn businesses .
11 I would say simply , having regard to certain observations by Mr. Park in his judgment at p. 8 , shortly before the passage which I have cited , that I am not satisfied that the requirements of paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) would necessarily not have been satisfied .
12 Had the company elected to spread the initial surplus forward , the shortfall would have been sheltered , because the majority of the surplus would not yet have been released to the p&l account by the time of the next valuation .
13 The change in status would have allowed Switzerland to participate fully in broader Framework programmes , although it would not yet have been eligible for direct financial support .
14 He mused on how different his life would have been if he had met Viola when he was twenty-two , or rather someone like her , for she would not even have been a twinkle in her parents ' eyes at that stage .
15 Without the incidental involvement of an old Breakspearean , it would not even have been that .
16 It was impossible not to feel that she had been badly treated , but the bad treatment came from the intransigent doctors and not from a Prime Minister who , as she must have known , was immensely supportive and would not willingly have been associated with any slight on her .
17 Jackson ( 1973 : 145 ) shows that these interests were hidden by the demands of style , as in the semi-detached properties which employed a basic frame but added a spurious individuality on the façade in order to make the house more attractive to prospective buyers , or the modernist-style buildings , which proclaimed their scientific nature to the degree that elements of the internal construction which would not normally have been visible were externalized onto the façade to display a commitment to the appropriation of new technologies .
18 A credit for interest owed would not normally have been set up so the interest would be debited to the nominal account shown , which will then merely be transferred into the revenue account :
19 Secondly we utilised available A C T capacity in the group to obtain an early recovery of eleven and a half million of A C T and this would not normally have been recovered until January nineteen ninety five .
20 The strategic use of background material which has not been sent to any other media and an appropriate idea or two can achieve an in-depth feature which would not otherwise have been forthcoming .
21 ( 2 ) An occurrence to which this section applies is one which — ( a ) affected either parent of the child in his or her ability to have a normal , healthy child ; or ( b ) affected the mother during her pregnancy , or affected her or the child in the course of its birth , so that the child is born with disabilities which would not otherwise have been present .
22 The fact that the directors ' discretion is not reviewable , therefore , means in short that the section is likely to have little causative impact : it does not compel the directors to do anything they would not otherwise have been inclined to do .
23 Repeating searches from Okapi logs , we found , not surprisingly , that it is often possible to obtain additional relevant records which would not otherwise have been found .
24 Many urban tradesmen , especially those connected with the building industry , seem to have invested in a small way in housing for rent , but there can be little doubt that the special facilities in raising capital conferred by acts of parliament on turnpike trusts and canal companies enabled them to become the recipients of a flow of capital from sources which would not otherwise have been drawn so directly towards economic improvements .
25 Newco can then acquire the whole of the issued share capital of Target which management would not otherwise have been able to afford , provided the underlying profitability of Target is sufficient to finance Newco 's debt and share capital structure .
26 No one , for example , can take hold of twenty-five million pounds ' worth of health services and say that these , and these precisely , are owed to the fact of a prescription charge : you can not point to the beds , the treatments , the nurses and demonstrate that these would not individually have been provided , however undeniable the fact may be in general .
27 Had it been left at that , as she had originally been built , the Angelina , a typical example of the Tehandiri class , would not only have been striking but downright handsome .
28 If the plaintiff had not paid he would not only have been subject to legal proceedings for recovery of the tax but would have been liable to forfeiture of his business until it had been paid .
29 Neither does Poulantzas explain what the peasantry would have been like if it had not had this pertinent effect , except in so far as he stipulates that they would not then have been a class .
30 No doubt half the population of Paris could have been wiped out by a typhoid epidemic in 1788 , and perhaps the king would not then have been sent to the guillotine .
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