Example sentences of "would [verb] over [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Filmer would stay over in the station .
2 When an English-speaker went into the foyer of the regiment , a NAAFI-style canteen where you could buy beer , cigarettes , sweets and memorabilia , he would head over to the table where the Mafia was sitting .
3 Upon extracting the dealer 's name from the client , he would tear over to the culprit , who had usually been working quite innocently off a duplicate lead card .
4 The next message would spill over into the financial pages , though there is still a bit of theology — verses 4 to 8 .
5 It should be explained that while the above three communities were primarily concerned with economic matters , it was always anticipated that the process of integrating economies would spill over into the political sphere .
6 Once noble land had been appropriated , the wealthier peasants would move over to the side of the bourgeoisie , and bourgeois rule would follow .
7 In that scenario , the provisional supposition would be that Morgan would take over at the helm from Ian McGeechan , with David Johnston and Richie Dixon as his assistant coaches .
8 Lennox , despite his anti-English position , would find it intolerable to be a member of the Beaton faction ; within a few weeks , he would go over to the pro-English party , his hopes of his marriage to Margaret , daughter of Angus and Margaret Tudor , and of English recognition of him as heir-presumptive , should Arran break with England , weighing more with him than the desire for liberty and honour expressed in the July bond .
9 Sometimes when the afternoon tide of heat reached its high mark , we would go over to the hotel .
10 Democratic Russia itself , at a press conference on Sept. 10 , warned that it would go over to the opposition if economic reform programmes were watered down and the former nomenklatura were once more put in command .
11 It almost seemed for a moment as if he would come over to the table and speak , but then he turned away , looking rather puzzled and began to order his tea .
12 or and then we used to have some gorgeous lamps that er we used to get in Chelsea that it was fasten on the wall and the lamp would come over on the shade , down and completely change , do you remember that ?
13 Or Jagger would come over from the next hotel and we 'd have late night ‘ looning ’ sessions , and then Angie and I would go off again with Zowie .
14 Jenny Warburton Lee would fly over in the company ‘ plane with all the fresh ingredients she could muster while Sybille gathered the rest locally .
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