Example sentences of "would [verb] [adv] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise , ‘ a stranger detraining and observing the vacant appearance of a town around the station where there should be bustle would think naturally that something serious was the matter ’ .
2 we would update so that we would have current figures in the brochure , yes
3 For example , if you were able to work out a new method of organizing stock shelves so that components were more quickly available to people on the factory floor this would show perfectly that you ‘ are able to show initiative ’ .
4 I thought no more of it , and stared vacantly into space , wishing that the weather would improve so that I could have a better look at the scenery .
5 It would appear then that there is some evidence that even in these areas , if students are able to draw on relevant work experience and have been suitably prepared for their degree studies , that relatively high levels of success can be achieved .
6 He tried to imagine how the boy would look now that he was nine .
7 Erm on the basis that er we were , when we were setting the , the targets , the time was set by the work study personnel erm and then the operator was able to obtain a trial run on the time given er and if at the end of the work , he was satisfied that he had made the target bonus , or near enough , or if he was satisfied that , given a little extra opportunity to go back onto that job should it come back again in the near future , then he would , he would see clearly that he could make at least fifty percent er which was the target bonus , and probably more .
8 He wondered if Alexei would marry now that there was no likelihood that he would ever leave Tarvaras , and if he did what his children would look like .
9 Soon , Cleo thought , Wakelate and his client would return so that their business could be concluded , and a measure of liquor shared , as was the custom in Wakelate 's house .
10 ‘ Oh , indeed ? ’ said Sally-Anne furiously to this supporter of wife-beaters — and if only he would move so that she could see him , and not continue to stand between herself and the light — ‘ How typically male .
11 Once or twice Carolan himself had hinted at the moral justification of force to secure the people 's just demands , but he was careful to remain within the law , and when challenged in Parliament would observe loftily that he spoke philosophically , and that he could trust the good sense of the English people to interpret his views correctly .
12 She turned to the window , a deliberate shutting out , praying he would go now that he 'd had his say .
13 It would seem nowadays that we are trying to make life a pleasure trip .
14 I would add only that I find myself quite unable to see how referring to the reports of Parliamentary debates in order to determine the meaning of the words which Parliament has employed could possibly be construed as ‘ questioning ’ or ‘ impeaching ’ the freedom of speech or debate or proceedings in Parliament or as otherwise infringing the provisions of article 9 of the Bill of Rights .
15 Increasing workload within the same length of working day : this would again produce poorer responses for lexicographers but in addition batch processes would be requested more frequently and this would require either that they run during normal working hours or that Computer Services staff would need to work more unsocial hours .
16 To that she would reply simply that it was what ‘ I ought to do . ’
17 The aunts would reply indignantly that they only wanted to help , whereupon Addy would shout from the kitchen that if either of them could cook worth a damn perhaps they could be something other than a bloody nuisance .
18 When questioned at the time , and for some time afterwards , as to what the novel was ‘ about ’ , I would reply vaguely that it referred to a period in my life in the 1960s , when I was married to a successful pop star and spent much of my time travelling up and down motorways , lulled with anti-depressants and sitting , an immobile non-person , in the back of a sealed , silent and chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce .
19 It would extend so that it could just jump back .
20 I did n't see her often , but whenever we met she would complain gently that they never went anywhere because Derek was always so busy or the babbas were teething or undergoing the whooping cough .
21 Most people would agree though that there is evidence clearly inconsistent with some aspects of the public interest view .
22 Most economists would agree then that there is , at the very least , prima-facie evidence that a significant number of prices are not fully flexible , and that one ought therefore to consider the implications of sticky prices in macroeconomic models .
23 Ivy , who did not much care for books about ‘ Abroad ’ — though if you sent her one she would say politely that it would be ‘ a companion ’ — was pleased to have a novel set in England and in the past .
24 Erm I would say however that there has been far more consistency about the view taken of the need for greenbelt protection on the part of the bodies and individuals I represent than has been shown by the two planning authorities judging from all the changes that they have propagated .
25 But if a pay rise of 20 per cent was announced for town policeman tomorrow he would say only that they deserved it .
26 He declined to give details on the machine and Chen would say only that his new system is not the design that Cray Research Inc rejected , leading to Chen quitting Cray to start his own company .
27 Last night , a shocked Jean would say only that she was ‘ distressed and deeply hurt ’ .
28 So I would ask nicely that I have petty cash of say thirty pounds , which out of I would buy , or pay the cleaners ' wages , and any minor expenses that come my way .
29 I have a battle to win and would ask only that I am given the chance to do so without intrusion in my private life .
30 Some would argue even that she casts a heavy shadow over present negotiations on the political future of South Africa .
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