Example sentences of "would [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It argues that if child support was received in addition to income support the resulting higher incomes would mean that more lone mothers would remain longer on benefit rather than looking for paid employment .
2 The proclaimed ‘ non-alignment ’ of Vietnam , Kampuchea and Laos may have been reassuring to a certain extent to the non-communist five , but neutralisation as a strategic concept had been anchored on the assumption that the Indo-Chinese war would end with the survival of non-communist , neutral regimes in South Vietnam , Kampuchea and Laos and that the overall balance of forces in Southeast Asia would remain decisively in favour of the non-communist states .
3 However , I would think twice about bungee jumping .
4 Meanwhile at New Bradwell , boys would rush home from school to collect lunch baskets , place them in hand trucks , and then run to the messroom ( over one mile ) , so the meal was plated just before the men came out of work .
5 Contrary to interpretations of the Tunguska object as a friable , underdense comet , Sekanina favours a bolide with a very high strength , arguing that the object would explode instantly on disruption .
6 Anyway , I would stay away from Brigade H.Q for the time being .
7 Many of these machines were indistinguishable in appearance from human beings , but not all — one of his stories described a race of intelligent motor-cars which , once parked for the night , would zoom away to sex orgies .
8 The majority of teachers in state schools accepted as inevitable that boys and girls would behave differently in school , would find different forms of knowledge congenial , would achieve differently and aspire to differing occupations .
9 Persons act not as they would act probably in life , but enable to do the , to , but enable to author to do a bit of writing .
10 Mr Gummer rejected appeals from consumer groups and Opposition parties for a separate Ministry for Food that would act independently of farming interests .
11 Then her hands would grow hot and she would pause , wipe them with a moist cloth so that she should not smear the finespun white cotton thread as she worked , and her thoughts of Tommaso would return ; they were very sweet to her , often enough , though when her daydreaming grew extravagant she would fall again into hopelessness , and fear that none of it might ever come true .
12 From now on she would concentrate solely on work .
13 Mr Ford also forecast that Railtrack , the proposed state-owned track authority , would be less likely to invest in improved services , because it would have no commercial incentive , and would concentrate only on safety .
14 Not only that , he would know well in advance the order of the programme , and consequently would have altered his training dramatically to account for the extra distance .
15 No matter how hard she tried to make the most of herself Sally had always been aware that she could not hope to rival Paula and the knowledge had damaged her self-confidence so that she always lived with the feeling that people on meeting her for the first time would exclaim behind after back : ‘ Paula 's sister ?
16 We hope that progress will be made on the difficult task of working this material into the education of the less academically inclined pupils who would benefit most from money management education .
17 It originates from considering , for example , the situation where an older and a younger person would benefit equally from treatment but resources allow only one to be treated .
18 Many of the latter were young , in their twenties , and included ‘ yuppies ’ in City and financial institutions who might not smoke a lot but took the attitude that they would smoke more at work if people pressured them over their habit .
19 Because she had spent so much of her teenage by herself , she had found plenty of time to read the newspapers and the books Patsy would bring home from school , or take out for her from the school library .
20 So you would feel equally at home there with a group of friends on a night out or just popping in for a quiet drink and a chat .
21 But one of the places where he would feel most at home is the room in which a vital part of the process that brought New Scientist to you last week was carried out .
22 Imperceptibly the voluntary spirit would distil away from adult education …
23 But it pointed to fears that asset quality would deterioriate further in view of the continued weakness of the property market and the slowdown in economic growth .
24 Callers from the street were dealt with by a doorkeeper who either encouraged or discouraged them , depending on how they looked , and entered his impressions in an official diary : ‘ not quite a gentleman … — but would do well for Gold Coast ’ was a typical entry of 1899 .
25 But he would do so by virtue of his position in the kinship network not because of his personal qualities .
26 Gambling policy stayed with the Home Office , and although the Department of National Heritage would be responsible for the legislation to create the lottery , it would do so in conjunction with the Home Office .
27 While progressive Labour councils declared their intentions to address the expectations of women , of black people and disabled people , it was by no means clear that they would do so in relation to lesbians and gays .
28 Thus , an article on working mothers and their relations with their daughters would appear under the heading of ‘ mothers ’ and be paired with ‘ working ’ , ‘ relations ’ and ‘ daughters ’ , and these words would appear again as starter keywords .
29 A piece of furniture , she considered , which would look right at home in her apartment .
30 The trap takes the form of an apparently harmless conservatory which would look more at home on a patio than adjacent to the stuffed gorillas .
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