Example sentences of "would [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In order to head off conflict with Ghana over the replacement , assurances were later given that Quainoo would remain as overall commander , with Dogonyaro in charge of field operations .
2 They signed a declaration which ( i ) stated that the CIS was open to all former Soviet states and any other countries which shared its objectives ; ( ii ) stated that strategic forces would remain under unified control ; ( iii ) confirmed co-operation on a single economic space ; and ( iv ) stated that member states of the CIS undertook to honour the international obligations of the former Soviet Union .
3 In a typical 16th century English charter party the owner of the vessel acknowledged , directly or through the ship 's master , that : 1 ) he had let the ship and promised to prepare it , by a fixed date , to take in the goods provided by the charterer ; 2 ) the ship would sail with the first convenient wind to the stipulated port ; 3 ) in accordance with a receipt or bill of lading he would deliver the goods in good condition to the designated person ; 4 ) the ship would remain at that port for a fixed period to take in such goods as the charter party nominee party needed to reload , and that the ship would then return to the port of origin , and deliver the reloaded goods in good condition ; and 5 ) the crew would be as described , and would be furnished with the proper gear .
4 And she believed the whales would remain at Laspi Bay at least for the summer , and had not heard of the widely criticised plans to take them on a travelling display .
5 Normally the others would remain for another hour or so .
6 The other potential problem was what would happen to Gloucester 's authority after the young king 's coronation , but even this seems to have been settled to the duke 's advantage and John Russell , in his draft speech for the opening of parliament , assumed that Gloucester would remain in overall control — although he clearly also felt that this was a departure from precedent which needed to be justified .
7 The other potential problem was what would happen to Gloucester 's authority after the young king 's coronation , but even this seems to have been settled to the duke 's advantage and John Russell , in his draft speech for the opening of parliament , assumed that Gloucester would remain in overall control — although he clearly also felt that this was a departure from precedent which needed to be justified .
8 One eighteenth-century author , E. Smith , whose Complete Housewife , published in 1727 , was also the first cookery book to be printed in America , claimed that her Everlasting Syllabubs would remain in perfect condition for nine or ten days , although at their best after three or four .
9 My parents lived in constant awareness of the big house and its occupants , and we children were imbued with the problem of what the squire and his household would think of any action or behaviour .
10 She remembered her early unsuccessful struggles for equal treatment and wondered what her sisters would think of this news .
11 So when , if , if you were to come to sell your residence , they would knock off that proportion of the total er er which could in fact give rise to a small capital gain depending on how the er how you sold , because you might sell it at a loss .
12 All of us would arise in due course like Venus from the waves — shining , lovely , renewed , with sharp neat cuts , elegant waves or subtle highlights — or so we hoped ; it was an act of faith .
13 As D Ltd has surplus FII , no ACT would arise in that company , and A Ltd 's surplus ACT would be recovered by offset of the FII from D Ltd .
14 These are all matters which would arise in any reform of the law to encompass some such principle as Woolwich contend for and are matters with which the legislature is best equipped to deal .
15 In a subsequent discussion on 23 March , MacArthur advocated an early peace conference despite the problems that would arise from Soviet obstruction .
16 Trade in goods would arise from broad specialization of the ‘ workshop of the world ’ type , for example exporting manufactures and importing primary goods .
17 The Information memorandum will only be released after we have received a confidentiality agreement and we would stress at this stage the need for total confidentiality .
18 This would range from total recovery to the maintenance of a vegetative status quo .
19 More sober advocates are content to imply that in Britain a Conservative constituency party would field a wet , a damp and a dry candidate , whilst Labour candidates would range from deep crimson to shell pink , and the Liberal Democrats would presumably run at least one ex-Liberal and one ex-SDP candidate .
20 Most people would laugh at either suggestion as they hunt in their pocket or purse for a copper or two , ‘ just for luck ’ .
21 He would laugh at any suggestion that the photocells might point away from the light , with their wires departing on the side nearest the light .
22 Good dealers in shares and futures would laugh at this yardstick .
23 It was suggested that " such units should be part of the psychiatric service and would compare with continuing care units ' of the geriatric service . "
24 Again , there are those who would quarrel with this view but let me tell you that we all have a mentor , an inner teacher , a guardian angel , a being of light who protects us and is totally dedicated to the task of leading us to the point of self-realization , to bring about the harmony and peace for which we pray .
25 Donaldson described him as having ‘ a slight figure , with a strong constitution ( only once was he seen to wear an overcoat ) … frank and plain spoken , occasionally even to roughness … no flatterer … somewhat impulsive and gifted with great shrewdness and common sense … he was a man of the highest integrity and independence , and so far from leading his clients into needless of extravagant outlay , he would demur at any expense beyond his employer 's means …
26 Rational people do in general pursue , and at their more moral help each other to pursue , what they want or supposedly would want in fuller awareness of themselves and their conditions , and in unmasking self-deception they recognize the genuine want by its spontaneity ; the liberal and rationalist tradition even tends to reject as irrational any prescription of religion or custom which requires us to act otherwise .
27 Towards the end of our conversation he asked me what use I would make of documented evidence that the Japs in Burma had a far-reaching plan to destroy the Buddhist system of monasteries and monks .
28 The only exception I would make to this rule is if there are special guests who actually should be ‘ on-show ’ because they enhance the programme , for whatever reason .
29 When it was first mooted that maybe a team of Tropical Plants staff would make for good television on Busman 's Holiday , several folk were keen to take part .
30 ‘ Slower speeds , fewer accidents ’ Parked cars on roads surrounding Darlington Memorial Hospital would make for fewer car accidents .
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