Example sentences of "there has [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 There has tended to be agreement on the central question ; what is broadcasting for ?
2 Also there has tended to be in earlier Soviet writing a sort of radical cornucopianism which has provided the ideological context of some technically disastrous decisions on the use of land .
3 There has tended to be an increase in confidence within IIAs , although this has rarely been matched by increasing private-sector investment .
4 Despite recognition of the discomfort caused by ventilation and its attendant procedures ( tracheal suction , chest drains , arterial lines etc. ) , there has tended to be some reluctance to prescribe potent analgesics .
5 There has come to be something shocking in the discovery that a seeming castle is only a cowshed .
6 The phrase represented a manner of thinking about the world very different from that which he had worked out in his own thinking about liberty as perfect obedience to the will of God : an obedience of a will so attuned to the source of order in the universe that there has ceased to be any constraint in obeying .
7 Mr Baker also conceded ‘ there will be in the 1990s inescapable areas of expenditure where there has got to be increases , for example , in caring for the elderly ’ .
8 There has got to be rivalry and life can be very frustrating . ’
9 There has got to be rivalry and life can be very frustrating . ’
10 There has got to be some kind of responsibility to deliver what they think they are buying . ’
11 ‘ It used to be really good for scarce reedbed species but it is so dry now its basic birds are tawny owl and whitethroat and there has got to be something wrong with that .
12 There has got to be a full investigation .
13 he feels , and so on , but there has got to be something that is obvious staff comment .
14 So there has got to be a source of equity or semi-equity instruments available .
15 Well I just wonder you , there has got to be some kind of relationship between the fact that most people who take drugs live in really run down deprived areas .
16 There has got to be something to stop the skiers losing their way when they fall out of the pub . ’
17 There has got to be a willingness on the part of all the groups on this council and the officers of the various connected departments of this council to make sure that those teams are given the utmost support in delivering the youth and community service that the Highfields area needs and deserves .
18 And in order to put a stop to it , there has got to be a resurgence of a belief in values , whatever those values may be .
19 Now when this is all over , and Saddam has got to be stopped , forcibly stopped , when this is over , I believe that there 's got to be no reneging as this country has constantly done with the Arabs ; there has got to be a Middle East conference , and the Israelis said ‘ yes , we agree to your State , but return to your original frontiers or you will get the same treatment as Saddam has got . ’
20 There has got to be some genuine changes in our erm willingness to work hard at our family life and not to give in easily at the challenges that so often break our homes up .
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