Example sentences of "there were [adv] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But Liza Tremayne was well aware that there were not all that many who would be able to help her out of her present predicament .
2 because er there were n't all that many er available , what , what do you think of , twenty one of you said yes , of the twenty one who said yes are you surprised that the great majority of this hundred women are so unimpressed by , by the courts system , who said yes and would you like to defend your answer ? , yes
3 There were n't all that many twenty-four-year-old graduates with the good fortune to run their own successful public relations business in London .
4 There were n't all that many came either .
5 ‘ We checked his clothes for bloodstains … there were n't many but he told me to wash his shirt and handkerchief while he had a shower .
6 If there were n't new and interesting things worth saying I would n't bother to carry on with my work
7 And er then there was the new intake of ourselves , and er there were probably fifty or sixty the first year .
8 Erm of which were there were many in those days er , not so many today of course but er er ooh I should say there were probably on Vale which was our nearest sort of shopping area to where we lived , there were probably two or three erm shoe repairers , including , and you could go and buy leather there .
9 The few cottages that existed then may seem picturesque to us today but there were probably damp and unsanitary , with earth-packed floors .
10 Actually there were probably fewer than twenty , but purchasers were assured the claim could only be verified by listening to the record and counting for themselves ( 41b ) .
11 In any month in the 1840 's and '50's there were rarely more than live contracts settled up and the figure was usually two or three and sometimes none at all .
12 These high-ranking bureaucrats , of whom there were normally two or three at any one time and who had always long practical experience of international relations , controlled the day-to-day working of the machinery of French diplomacy and were of critical importance to its effectiveness .
13 Last year there were nearly eight and a half thousand road accidents in Oxfordshire .
14 Many questions were asked on these papers by the Panel , and the other thing that I thought was very revealing , is one point that I 've been hammering away at , is the fact that they actually produced these figures for U K car registrations over the last 10 years , 10 years ago there were one and a half million , last year there were nearly 2 and a half million .
15 This planning appeared to have a cyclical character because Beattie 's data showed that for each speaker there were both hesitant and fluent phases following one after the other .
16 The main method of obtaining rights was through inheritance , but the operation of inheritance systems varied : in Polynesia and mainland New Guinea it was predominantly patrilineal ; in Micronesia it was predominantly matrilineal ; and in Melanesia outside New Guinea there were both matrilineal and patrilineal systems , as well as others that were either ambilineal or bilineal .
17 The figures below indicate the average daily demand pattern , though there were both local and seasonal variations :
18 There were both overt and covert reasons for the support of the Scheme by the Law Society , and the regional bodies , local Law Societies .
19 There were thus political and ideological reasons for promoting this student tide , not just economic ones .
20 There were lots more , there were even one or two who , like Albert ‘ Bertie ’ Gomes , had more than just a tentative grasp of the deadly art of Trinidadian politics and finally there was Uriah Butler , who in 1946 — ten years after he had instigated the oil field demonstrations — led the most successful campaign in the first elections under universal suffrage .
21 The main topic areas represented in the reference test were number and measures , but there were also one or two questions on each of several other areas including geometrical concepts , graphs and number patterns .
22 There were also one or two indications of expressly non-classical matters , including allusions to the " Jewish-Christian world " .
23 There were also one or two microfiche readers .
24 There were also social and ultimately political costs .
25 In business studies there were generally six or so applicants for each place .
26 In most of the hareems there were usually two or more of these little girls .
27 Departments for the handling of current diplomatic business also began to develop , each under a high official , the premier commis , of whom there were usually two or three .
28 They comprise some 21 per cent of rural housing stock on average , and Shucksmith ( 1981 ) indicates that , during 1968–73 in England and Wales there were usually more than double the number of local authority houses being built per 1,000 population in urban than in rural districts .
29 There were always 25 or 30 ships moored off the port waiting to load .
30 T. D. There were always twenty or thirty or so bucks hanging around the corner on Nichols Street , and if they saw you coming , they 'd all move .
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