Example sentences of "there were [noun] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 There were rings on his fingers .
2 Of course he was n't always there because frequently there were notes from his mother to say that he had earache or something , but later on I realized , of course , that those notes had been faked , the same as the notes that I had sent to school from my mother several generations before that .
3 There were bruises on his neck and a bloodstained rag round his right hand .
4 There were threats to his academic career , but they came from a different direction .
5 The unending toil , which ground on at the pace of the changing seasons and the constant struggle against relentless Nature would be in vain , as far as Jonadab Oaks was concerned , unless there were others of his name to follow in his footsteps and work this land to which he had devoted his life .
6 There were times during his illness , he told me , when he was happier than he 'd been since he was a child .
7 The jackal de Guichet , they said , was bad enough , but there were limits to his powers ; but the old lion acknowledged no restrictions within his own honour , his rule was as absolute as plague .
8 Mr Ian Karsten , for the board , told a Bristol University appeal committee hearing that there were passages in his script which were ‘ bizarre and remarkable and which require explanation ’ .
9 I asked Joshua Rozenberg , our Legal Affairs correspondent , whether there were things from his area he felt we should have covered .
10 ‘ I know there were crowds at his funeral , ’ said John .
11 First half losses before tax increased from £17.7m to £30.6m at Ratners ; Gerald Ratner received much criticism and there were calls for his resignation at the company 's agm .
12 Lawrence Turman , years later , admitted that when there were screenings at his house people would come up to him and say , ‘ It 's a shame .
13 There were complaints about his behaviour .
14 There were tears on his cheeks .
15 There were tears in his eyes when he crouched to gather up the debris , scooping it into a pile with both hands while Sweetheart roared with laughter .
16 When I looked at him , there were tears in his eyes , and he said , ‘ It 's not us who 'll have the problem , Mum .
17 Now , as the train swayed up the coast , there were tears in his own eyes too .
18 But there were tears in his eyes too .
19 There were tears in his eyes and he could n't really speak .
20 There were tears in his eyes .
21 There were tears in his eyes .
22 There were tears in his eyes .
23 The boy was shaking , and when he looked up at Rory there were tears in his eyes .
24 When he looked up there were tears in his eyes .
25 And when he moved back , there were tears in his eyes , real grief in his expression .
26 There were tears in his eyes .
27 There were tears in his eyes , and he did not look away .
28 There were tears in his eyes as he turned his face to Tallis .
29 When Norman woke in hospital , there were stumps below his knees :
30 There were parts of his life that he did n't want the world to see , Alison least of all .
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