Example sentences of "there was [pron] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing to be got from being disagreeable or testy .
2 Minnie had written to her about how terrible it had been , how Captain Cook had brought his wife up to see a specialist who had examined her and said at once there was nothing to be done , there was no operation possible , and he must take his wife home to die .
3 The Sunday Times reporter Peter Gillman recounts how the Panel went to the Trading Standards Office at Bodmin but was told that there was nothing to be done because water was not covered by the Food Act .
4 Mariana 's struggle was now internalised , for there was nothing to be read in her face .
5 He could have sworn that he had heard yet another vehicle out there , as if he in turn were being followed , but there was nothing to be seen .
6 At length she decided that there was nothing to be gained by worrying her .
7 Then there was nothing to be seen and the low rumbling slowly faded away .
8 After a while , there was nothing to be seen at all .
9 But there was nothing to be said .
10 So there was nothing to be done .
11 There was nothing to be done but face the heat .
12 ‘ Normally , I would shoot through anything — but that day it rained and rained and there was nothing to be done about it , ’ Gerald says .
13 I had a damp cigarette in the shelter of a doorway — but there was nothing to be gained by hanging about here and I set off , squelching at every step , along the road to Shiel Bridge .
14 Of the skeleton of Aenarion or Indraugnir there was nothing to be found .
15 But there was nothing to be gained by challenging him now .
16 I feel that it 's such a perfect thing , there was nothing to be done with ‘ Las Meniñas ’ .
17 And there was nothing to be scared of in that !
18 The fern moved slightly in the breeze , but along the path there was nothing to be seen except a scatter of last year 's fallen acorns under an oak .
19 She told me that there was nothing to be said for death , nothing in mitigation : it was extinction , the end .
20 It was no fault of Harry 's that he had been mistakenly put in the care of such people , although there was nothing to be said against the Pritchetts — a decent , hard-working family — other than their class .
21 There was nothing to be gained by worrying further , so he settled himself as comfortably as possible against the trunk of the tree .
22 " Is this all the fortune the Dawn Maiden has sent me ? " he thought , but there was nothing to be done ; he took her for his wife .
23 But there was nothing to be done ; Goibniu had made it a request that Floy and Snodgrass travel to the Fire Court leaving Fenella alone .
24 Probably everything would be all right and probably there was nothing to be afraid of .
25 I might have made an angry reply about her own flaunting of herself at the male Ardakkean , but there was nothing to be gained by it .
26 There was nothing to be seen .
27 There was nothing to be gained from worrying , not at this juncture .
28 Outside , the storm lashed the windows , there was nothing to be seen of the sea or the red roofs .
29 Now , of course , there was nothing to be heard at all , nothing to be seen but the sudden , wheeling pallor of one more set of headlights taking the curve in the Silcaster road , far beyond Aurae Phiala .
30 Toby checked carefully through the boarding annexe after school , and then there was nothing to be done but hand over to Hilary Frome .
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