Example sentences of "there was [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the turn of the century there was increased agricultural production in the area , but with improved methods , less labour was required .
2 There was increased urban demand , with a fast-growing population and with a rise in real wages , competition from cheap imported foodstuffs encouraged farmers to switch to milk production , and the wholesale and retail end of the business became more efficient and organized .
3 There was increased military representation , reflecting the leadership 's concern that economic reforms might lead to civil unrest .
4 As West European industrialisation got under way , so the demand for goods manufactured in and around Danzig also began to improve : there was increased Prussian demand for armaments , chemicals , food , timber , clothing and shipbuilding to support the growth of industry in Western Prussia .
5 There was piping hot bread and honey with the welcoming tea and , at night , a huge tagine ( casserole ) dish containing a delicious stew .
6 The living was cheap and easy , the Bearnais were grateful , there was hunting all year round .
7 There was glittering blue mystery in his eyes , and his voice was lethally soft , like a snake rustling through dry grass .
8 Different electoral systems were used in different states , there was limited popular interest , and votes tended to go to national political parties .
9 The most recent sequence of excavations has established that there was limited pre-Roman occupation of the site , in the form of a round house , which may have been associated with areas of ploughed fields , found below Roman levels in Annetwell Street , even though they had apparently reverted to pasture immediately before the arrival of the Romans .
10 Second , there was growing Catholic disaffection from the moderate policies of the Catholic National Party .
11 In addition to the background of violence and sectarian division which had ruined Prior 's plan for ‘ rolling devolution ’ , there was growing economic decay .
12 There was growing public concern at the high toll of deaths and injuries among servicemen in peacetime , and this had become a significant factor in the worsening problem of draft-dodging .
13 Japanese owners operated 500 of the 1,300 Asian drift vessels in the Pacific , where there was increasing international pressure to cease driftnet fishing — a practice whereby fine nylon nets were stretched across as much as 60 km of the ocean to a depth of 15 metres , resulting in the unintended death of an estimated 1,000,000 sea birds and 200,000 mammals each year .
14 there was increasing public concern at what was regarded as the growing shamelessness of prostitutes , in the streets of London and some other big cities .
15 A similar study of modular Stage I assessment data ( 1986 ; see Table 6.2 ) showed that there was imbalanced modular provision and enrolment over the academic year .
16 There was continuing low-level tension between the two countries , however , over the incursions made by Turkish fishing vessels into Bulgarian territorial waters in the Black Sea .
17 But to go there was to enter another world .
18 Following Iraq 's defeat in February 1991 there was intensified diplomatic activity by the EC , UN and United States on the Cyprus problem .
19 There was mounting working-class pressure against increasing such taxes which , it was argued , were contributed disproportionately by those least able to pay , whilst the rich paid a tiny proportion of their wealth and income in taxation .
20 At the same time , there was pressing new business : the setting up of a provisional state in North Africa , preparation for its transfer back to France , supervision of the French war effort , and planning for postwar reconstruction .
21 In Germany notably , where the government was a good deal less influenced by domestic opinion than in France and Britain , there was marked official sensitivity to the comments of foreign newspapers and an anxiety to present the best possible face to the outside world .
22 In the one patient in this series with this feature , there was marked active inflammation with expression of colonic phenotypic markers .
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