Example sentences of "there are [det] [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 Going out , especially at night , may seem particularly dangerous for people on their own , but there are many things you can do to promote your safety whether you are a man or a woman .
2 I have no doubt there are many things you wish they did n't do , or were not , but there must be some good points !
3 If you are a practical type of person , there are many careers you could follow .
4 There are many techniques you can use beforehand to help you relax .
5 There are some things you just keep your mouth shut about and one of those is when sex is n't much good .
6 If you were a gardener , love , you 'd know as there are some things you ca n't transplant .
7 There are some things you know without being told and she knew Mr Evans was jealous of Hepzibah .
8 maybe there are some things you have n't covered or
9 There are some things you just can not say when the person is present .
10 There are some things you know at twenty .
11 Right , so there are some things you did n't know about him .
12 There are some things you tell , and some things you show . ’
13 There are some questions you should ask yourself .
14 So look closely at your lifestyle , your behaviour and habits in case there are some steps you can take to make it less likely that you will be a victim again .
15 Er , because clearly there are some points you would n't want to be too specific about .
16 THERE are some arguments you ca n't win .
17 There are some people you can go off real quick , are n't there ?
18 Once you 've got to grips with your machine ( whichever the model ) there are several accessories you can buy to extend your knitting .
19 There are several things you could do , ’ she said .
20 There are several things you should know about me , min kaere Gina , ’ he told her softly .
21 There are several backings you could choose , from some maroon , burgundy or ruby papers to many different mount cards .
22 There are several commands you could use to move the data .
23 There are several ways you can eradicate these worms .
24 There are several ways you can experiment with your homeloan to make it more profitable .
25 There are several methods you can use and of course you must find the one which suits you best but , as a starting-point , here is a simple and effective one : Lie on your bed or sit in a chair with a back which is high enough to support your neck and head .
26 There are several methods you may find helpful when you feel you are losing control or when you are at a loss to understand your child 's persistent aggression .
27 If there are any changes you wish to make concerning a relative , go right ahead and make them .
28 If there are any problems you can contact me at home ( 0995 ) 604755 or at work on ( 0524 ) 593786 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. ( except Wednesdays ) .
29 If there are any problems you can contact me on ( 0995 ) 604755 ( evenings ) or ( 0524 ) 593786 ( 10 a.m.
30 If there are any questions you wish to put to me , then do not hesitate to do so . ’
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