Example sentences of "there could be [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But he believes there could be benefits for other DTI units in adopting OSO 's integrated approach to industry support .
2 Setting an example : John d'Ancona believes there could be benefits for other trade units in adopting OSO 's integrated approach to industry support
3 We could suggest that there could be beliefs of type 1 if there were beliefs which were justified by appeal to the facts and that a belief could be so justified if it was caused by the facts .
4 So I mean yo , there could be things in it that it could be left there , if there 's , but you started
5 What is much more interesting , I have already suggested , is the idea that there could be patterns of behaviour which human beings are entirely capable of wanting and indeed , on an individual or limited scale , of achieving , but which for biological reasons are bound to be psychologically costly , or confined to a small group of otherwise unusual individuals , or otherwise bound to fail as general social institutions .
6 They maintain that there could be circumstances in which disobedience is justified even though the law itself does not admit that it is .
7 ‘ It 's possible there could be conflicts between them so we felt it was important to have discussions now . ’
8 Dening criticised the inconsistency and failure to clarify objectives on the part of the United States ; he conceded that there could be difficulties over Chinese representation in talks between the powers , given the collapse of the Kuomintang and the imminent proclamation formally of the communist government in Peking .
9 There there could be weavers amongst them .
10 Eileen Plant , who patrols outside Hurworth junior and infant school , fears there could be accidents along Roundhill Road unless some sort of parking restrictions are introduced .
11 Mr Doe insists that he is no opponent of privatisation as such and has no political axe to grind : ‘ I 'm not concerned who owns BR as such : there could be advantages in taking BR out of the public sector in terms of investment rules ’ , he said .
12 You said also that yo that there could be problems with young mothers ?
13 There could be problems of ranking priorities here , becoming more acute as full employment of labour and means of production is approached .
14 He says there could be problems on some courses .
15 He says there could be problems on some courses .
16 We 've had er callers earlier on suggesting that there could be problems between Russians and Lithuanians if an goes there , which seems almost certain it will now .
17 You may already have a good idea , when planning your new kitchen , of the type of operation you want , but unless you have previous experience of designing a kitchen , there could be problems in store .
18 The nature of matters which would be characterised as collateral or preliminary was still difficult to determine and it was admitted that there could be errors of law within jurisdiction which , if they appeared on the face of the record , would be quashed .
19 Er , yes in the studies in nineteen ninety two er Eurofighter suggested that there could be reductions in the holdings of spares , rolled equipment and support items as a result of the more accurate forecasting which we expect to emerge from the logistics support analysis .
20 Certainly there could be links between the two universes of discourse of biology and psychoanalysis , but it was premature and unnecessary for Freud to engage in building up such links before he had established his theory within psychoanalysis .
21 There could be links with historic discharges found in estuary sediments , which could mean restrictions on fishing in certain areas or even on fish consumption . ’
22 Furthermore , it found that , although birth certificates were not required by law for any kind of legal transaction in the United Kingdom , there could be occasions on which a birth certificate could be called for by , for instance , an employer or public institution .
23 As with other principles , there could be arguments about whether they were in fact implemented in particular practices ( finance by advertising , for example , or the quality of news coverage ) .
24 Everyone is assumed to be potentially capable of having sexual relations with a person of either sex , although there could be exceptions at either end of the spectrum , that is , there are some people who are constitutionally unable to be anything other than heterosexual , and some who are unable to be anything other than homosexual .
25 A minority of Tories were prepared to concede that there could be exceptions to the theory of non-resistance in extremis , and in this they admittedly came close to the doctrine of some of the more conservative Whigs .
26 There could be exhibitions of the best tapestries and textiles , the finest portraiture , the most outstanding silver ; or the best of a certain period drawn together from National Trust houses ; and perhaps linked displays on craftmanship , techniques , restoration and conservation .
27 He envisages the ambience of the place as ‘ discernibly British ’ and wants to see an element of ‘ commercial ’ use : private art galleries , bookshops and design studios would fit in very well , and there could be restaurants off the splendid riverside terrace , which would make a fine sculpture park .
28 Prison officers have warned there could be riots in Britain 's jails if plans for drug testing inmates go ahead .
29 There could be applications of the work to numerous fields .
30 ‘ It is not that large is better and small is worse or vice versa but there could be economies of scale .
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