Example sentences of "there be to be [num] " in BNC.

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1 According to the agreement there are to be four events a year , each with a minimum 150 participants .
2 Over the next few hundred years there are to be two Emperors , the elected Emperor and the reigning Count of Talabecland .
3 There are to be two features on her in the illustrated papers , Uncle Lionel says .
4 There are to be 5,000 more student places next year , biased to science and engineering , and then a freeze on recruitment for two years .
5 I was told in confidence last week , so by next week it will be public , that there are to be 200 redundancies now , and the rest will , hopefully , be effected by natural wastage .
6 There are to be 4,000 copies of that document , and it is purported to be printed and published by Cath Ball at 110 Union street , Oldham .
7 Sequent says there are to be three versions of NT : the client , an inexpensive four-processor retail iteration of the Advanced Server and a 16-processor OEM-only version of the Advanced Server .
8 Sequent says there are to be three versions of NT : the client , an inexpensive four-processor retail iteration of the Advanced Server and a 16-processor OEM-only version of the Advanced Server .
9 One of only four postgraduate art programmes in Holland , the Van Eyck is being radically restructured : there are to be three new heads of department , Heinz Prezold taking charge of Theory , Johann Aders , Design , and Thompson Fine Art .
10 It is a disappointment that there are to be 600 redundancies , but there is a continuing significant level of employment in defence at Barrow which is dependent on it and which has been sustained by the Government 's commitment to a strong defence .
11 And the Royal Institution of Great Britain in Albemarle Street was that day announcing that there were to be eight lectures given by Mr. Faraday on Static or Franklinic Electricity , to commence on 21 April .
12 There were to be four principal elements to that strategy : ( 1 ) a substantial reduction in taxes ; ( 2 ) heavy cuts in the rate of growth of public spending ; ( 3 ) deregulation reform ; and ( 4 ) the establishment of a sound monetary policy .
13 My Lord erm there are er in my submission er a likely there were to be five key issues for determination in a court of this trial .
14 To start with , there were to be 80 attainment targets per child , and the tests were to take 30 hours .
15 There were to be two aisles , one at each side of a central block of pews and then pews at each side .
16 Originally there were to be two of these , one for the preparation of a general statute and one to deal with local variations , but the arrangement proved unworkable and by the end of April 1859 there were four , each with responsibility for both the general and the particular aspects of its field .
17 The linen on the beds was to be changed once in fourteen days , and there were to be three blankets and one quilt to each bed .
18 There were to be three more co-opted Governors , to be appointed for a term of five years , but none was to be appointed until the original " life " Governors gave up their seats .
19 There were to be twenty-five surface ships , each armed with eight Polaris missiles .
20 There was to be one last visit from Father O' Neill .
21 He brought the doctor back to earth in Doctor Dolittle 's Return ( 1933 ) , and there was to be one last book , Doctor Dolittle and the Secret Lake , built round the story of the Flood with Dr Dolittle as a latter-day Noah .
22 Er , page thirty-six , paragraph two The new Environment Officer The first , the question first , and as I understand it , please correct me , erm , the agreement policy was , there was to be one Environment Officer , Personal Assistant .
23 It was stipulated that there was to be 23 hundred pounds to the " Tunn " and five score and twelve pounds to the hundred … " the bank to be made clear of ore Twice every year at least a week before ye 29th Sept and ye 1st day of May … "
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