Example sentences of "there be [adv] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure there are there you know there 's there is ordinary nasty horrid aggressive rape when you 're you 're you know like somebody 's attacked from behind or something down a a dark alley .
2 there are incidentally I think bits of , even there is a duty of care is n't there which , there 's duties floating around in your defence somewhere
3 It 's , it 's not your fault it 's , I mean there are once you get into this topic it becomes quite a big one .
4 And there were somehow you want t to get across the point in the .
5 Oh the old time films you know like there were sometimes you get one occasionally on television now .
6 I like to put the television on , as there 's usually a very good programme at twelve ten like there is supposedly Rainbow today , but there is n't , which I find very useful for my toddler while I 'm getting lunch for the baby , myself and her , so she can sit down for twenty minutes , there can be a few minutes peace , and there 's just you know it 's just not on .
7 There 's plenty you know that I do n't .
8 I do n't see what difference it makes , a child not understanding , there 's plenty I do n't understand .
9 Probably Alison here like , there 's only you know , you just lucky .
10 There 's only you know people that come like and that that I have never said no to .
11 COSE II for networking , interoperability and distributed computing , COSE III for system management — see below — and there 's more we do n't know .
12 There 's more you want me to do ? ’
13 I want to turn this right round because a couple of people have mentioned guilt and er I I suspect that one of the reasons that women are a bit worried about talking about depression or or campaigning for changes in policy , or more funding , or or whatever , is that for a long time women have been thought of as the weaker sex , more emotional , more nervous , by a , a a male establishment , I 'm talking about past centuries , is n't there a case for saying there 's actually we have a right to be depressed , I mean , obviously it 's normal , ninety three of you get depressed from time to time , the majority of you do n't think you clinically depressive if it is , if it 's normal to be depressed should n't the services to cope with depression , if we need outside help , be there and there 's no shame in it ?
14 Erm there 's enough I think enough has been said on , school meals , it 's those , they 're only in , in the , both were identified with efficiency savings of er Joanne erm in school meals without I hope because in the content or the , the nutritional value of the basic meal .
15 You would n't get them at night college , because people who go to night school go because they want to learn , and if there 's any you 've got running around as you call it , will be thrown out !
16 I go outside and do er repair jobs if there 's any you know , complaints in the carpets , they send me out , as long as it 's within the kind of
17 We might pay some of the mortgage off and er er , if there 's any you know , we sort of keep some in there .
18 You made the classic mistake the only mistake there is here you multiply everything by two
19 There is more I have to know . ’
20 Er more houses to what there is now you know .
21 And there was n't the defence the water defences , tide defences on the west shore then that there is now you know .
22 People said things like for instance well females are n't intelligent enough to make choices and er which is , which is clearly pretty silly , and er there was also I think and the uncomfortable erm prospect that females could in some way or another control the evolution in males which I do n't think it appealed to the Victorians either and in fact many social Darwinists like Edward Westermark for example rejected the whole concept of sexual selection as Darwin called it the female choice , because it did n't promote survival of the fittest .
23 But there was still you know a substantial It was more or less the same case as we had before in terms of the traffic relief that each afforded and the economic rates of return .
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