Example sentences of "there be [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The two things were entirely unconnected , but if it is of importance to you then you 'll be pleased to know that had there been a test you would have passed it with straight As . ’
2 Not since the hey-day of Bette Davis has there been an actress who 's attracted so much loathing — and so much admiration .
3 At the centre there are a handful who hold important roles at the Cliburn , and those who always have the calm look of those who have taken on difficult jobs and remain , despite myriad new crises , absolutely in control : Susan Tilley , chairman of the board of the Van Cliburn Foundation ; Mildred Fender , the social chairman for this year 's competition ; Richard Rodzinski , director of the foundation ; and John Giordano , chairman of the jury .
4 Let there be no doubt it has shown the IRA in its true colours .
5 ( a ) Children in need Section 20(1) requires every local authority : to provide accommodation for any child in need within their area who appears to them to require accommodation as a result of : ( a ) there being no person who has parental responsibility for him ; ( b ) his being lost or having been abandoned ; or ( c ) the person who has been caring for him being prevented ( whether or not permanently , and for whatever reason ) from providing him with suitable accommodation or care .
6 ‘ The game we play with the word ‘ toothache ’ entirely depends upon there being a behaviour which we call the expression of toothache . ’
7 It is vital that our site work and written reports are of the highest standards because if there were a transgression they may be used as legal evidence . ’
8 So there were all there were a distinction you see , between men and that .
9 There were a cock I saw out at Kingswood — naught but a shake-bag it were .
10 If there were a fault I could detect it .
11 Despite the market uncertainties and many other problems there were a number who had made great strides and it seemed that many would succeed .
12 If only there were a radio she would have turned it on , loudly , but , of course , no such luck .
13 Anyway , when I come back about half past eight as I was told to do , you know , there were no disputing it , you could n't sa , say half past eight and be nine , like they do today , my dad says er where 's the model ?
14 He spoke as though there were no animosity whatever between them .
15 And er of course he alerted the other two fellows and there were no fighting there was only about two little fire extinguishers on the tower .
16 There were no training you needed for this that and the other , you went down .
17 And then there was these these thick er straw ropes going over and then there were the other which were going sideways along the roof to hold the thatch down .
18 You mentioned people suffering from stress , presumably if there were an attack they would be more susceptible to stress then ?
19 The country was sunk too deep in chaos to be dragged out of it ; the climate of violence was such that voting would be impossible ; intimidation by the ruling Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP ) meant that if there were an election it could not be free and fair .
20 Well fortunately at the moment , the traffic on the M forty , well certainly yesterday was nothing like the M twenty five although it was reasonably busy and there 's every expectation it will increase over the coming weeks .
21 There 's every chance she may go to Intensive Care if she deteriorates . ’
22 Come on a Club 18–30 holiday and there 's every chance it will do you the world of good .
23 First race there twelve fifty the going at the moment is good but they have had a quarter of an inch of rain overnight so of course I suppose there 's every chance it could go to good to soft by this afternoon .
24 If the rest of it goes as well then there 's every chance I 'll be forming a permanent group .
25 ‘ Oh , I 'm sure there 's every chance I shall age rapidly , Dr Grant , ’ she snapped .
26 There 's no doubt we will benefit if the American economy recovers and consumer confidence starts to build .
27 ‘ Although we 're currently in the trough of the cycle , there 's no doubt we have assets at our disposal across all our businesses which will allow us to take on and beat the best of the competition .
28 ‘ Even though the viewing figures are up to 7.5 million — from an all-time low of less than four million — there 's no doubt they are not as high as they might be .
29 There 's no doubt they can help enormously , but in a country like Zambia , with 50 per cent of its population crammed into urban areas , there 's always going to be someone tempted by the rich pickings of poaching .
30 But whoever it is , there 's no doubt they 'll have quite a job on their hands .
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