Example sentences of "there have [been] [adj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If there 'd been any more trouble , we would just have drawn our staffs and knocked all hell out of them .
2 This was the first time they 'd been out together since the alleged phone-calls , and if there 'd been any more since then she had n't mentioned it .
3 In that time , there had been two more killings .
4 There had been two more murders .
5 There had been several less serious explosions in or near Addis Ababa since the EPRDF takeover ; a number of residents of the Shagolle suburb had been killed on May 28 when a shell hit a munitions plant , and five people , including two EPRDF guards , were killed by gunmen at Addis Ababa University on May 31 .
6 There have been five more since 1960 , at Winchelsea on 13 January 1966 , Sidlesham on 6 and 7 February 1966 , Shoreham on 8 March 1967 , Earnley on 31 January 1968 , and Southease on 8 February 1976 .
7 Since the Photo Production case there have been two more decisions of the House of Lords , Ailsa Craig Fishing Co .
8 Some news in brief now — there have been two more suspected drugs deaths in Glasgow .
9 There is also a large and venerable literature on the nature and purposes of higher education , which rings with names such as Newman , Veblen , Ortega y Gasset , and Jaspers [ see Powell 's bibliography ( 1966 , 1971 ) , and there have been many more recent examples but such writing likewise tends to be rather general , and only by extension addresses the question of what is to be taught in curricular terms ; but see Goodlad 1976 ; Barnett 1985 ] .
10 But there have been many more relevant developments in feminist literary and historical studies which are engaged in reconsidering the importance of the 18th century for the emergence of modern western culture , its class system , its gender relations and its racism .
11 There have been many more incidents in the north-east , in particular , and that is why the recent transfer of Mr. J. A. Stevens from being deputy chief constable of Cambridgeshire will doubtless be welcomed in Northumbria .
12 There have been many more .
13 Grey Plovers are rarely seen away from the coast in Sussex , but there have been six such records since 1947 in March , April , May , October ( three together ) , November , and December .
14 Since June 1990 , there have been 16 such incidents in France involving British lamb exports .
15 While there have been precious few literary models for black male writers to follow lately , there has been a boom in black women 's writing , particularly in the States , with the success of Alice Walker , Toni Morrison and now Terry Macmillan .
16 Let us assume that someone , speaking of George , utters : ( 10 ) he certainly did n't make the comments audible On the assumption that the adjective is here a predicate qualifier , George is innocent of responsibility for the comments which were audible , if indeed there have been any such remarks at all .
17 There have been several more such incidents since then .
18 For Essex there have been few such problems , and his batting has been , after Keith Fletcher 's captaincy , probably the chief reason for their successes .
19 In Phanerozoic time ( the time which has elapsed since the beginning of the Cambrian ) there have been three such ice ages , separated by intervals of a few hundred million years when the world enjoyed a more equable climate and lacked extensive polar ice caps .
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