Example sentences of "there [was/were] to [be] a " in BNC.

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1 If there were to be a programme of comparable generosity to the new democracies , it would be necessary to reduce some category of expenditure within the industrial countries .
2 There were to be a lot of evacuations in the coming years , by land , sea and air , each accompanied by promises from departing residents that their absence would only be temporary .
3 He had only been a stop-gap , to fill in after Father Collins 's long , thirty-five-year ministry and the appointment of a permanent successor , if there were to be a successor .
4 If there were to be a failure in maintaining this conquest , the ‘ livelihood ’ of these people would be at stake .
5 If moreover there were to be a case of parthenogenesis , the resulting foetus would be female , for there would be no ‘ Y ’ chromosome present !
6 If there were to be a reduction in the mark-up , then this would further reinforce the effect .
7 If there were to be a Labour Government or the unlikely event of a Liberal Democrat Government , it would be open house for local authorities to spend and spend , just like Viv Nicholson .
8 The steady erosion from astronomical to merely high has at least been good for morale : a further cut after the holidays might just jolly people into voting Tory if there were to be an autumn election .
9 If there were to be an image of a woman in that book , that one picture would stand out as the exception .
10 Er if there were to be an exceptions policy the suggestion has been made that certain districts perhaps could be identified er as being a suitable location .
11 If there was to be a common external policy , economic and strategic , which appeared more and more desirable , as between the parliamentarily self-governing populations around the world that were deemed all to be parts of one empire , the logical but crazy conclusion must be to defy the impracticability that had been so clear in the eighteenth century and to envisage an imperial parliament .
12 There was to be a modest reduction in their strength from 800,000 to 700,000 in all ranks .
13 In the autumn there was to be a break in his usual routine .
14 There was to be a reception , and later we were invited to dinner at the house of the British Council representative .
15 I said there was to be a sale , but I would ask the solicitor ; and afterwards , when he came to take the barometer away , he took it down from the wall very , very gently .
16 There was to be a drive to recruit married women who had left teaching , and to make part-time teaching more attractive .
17 There was to be a Prayer Group established at Westminster Abbey .
18 There was to be a review for them , when any man who would like to go back to France would be sent back by a route through Marseilles , and he would provide for any man who wished to serve with his newly formed force , the Free French .
19 However , the concert party folded before we had had more than a few ragged rehearsals , mainly because Bob 's girlfriend , a tall , bossy Waaf who fancied herself as another Vera Lynn , suddenly went all narrow-minded and decreed that if there was to be a chorus line , we were not to show our legs but to wear slacks .
20 There was to be a term of solitary confinement for each prisoner to bring his brain into ‘ the highest state of susceptibility for receiving moral and religious impressions ’ .
21 However , there was to be a significant change as the convoy journeyed further north .
22 There was to be a very full programme of lectures on the Saturday , and a formal dinner , so no doubt people were getting a good night 's sleep in readiness .
23 Explicit in the design of the projects was the attempt to achieve these aims without diverting traffic to other areas — in other words there was to be a genuine experiment in calming existing traffic in situ , not simply exporting the problems to other districts .
24 If there was to be a severe winter , George hoped that he would see the warning signs early enough to anticipate it .
25 Among those who voted against it were some closeted gays : if there was to be a purge , they did not wish to be among the victims .
26 At each stage there was to be a reshuffle of cars in depôts , so that the worst cars in the fleet were scrapped first and the better cars from a depôt closing were moved to another one .
27 There was to be a Consumer Credit Commissioner with wide powers and many responsibilities , including administration of a comprehensive licensing system .
28 Once my lady 's sister was staying at Hurst Castle not far off , and there was to be a grand ball , and her ladyship sent me over in the coach to dress her sister 's hair , Lady Winton that was .
29 Mrs Hobbs had stayed behind in the hotel at Ouerzzazate because of the heat ; Richard and Flora because there was to be a celebration for the King of the Belgians and Flora wanted to see the women dancing .
30 Yet still , there was to be a branding upon the leather-tough buttocks : an imprint of a clenched fist , no larger than a fingernail .
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