Example sentences of "there [modal v] be time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There may be time for hobbies or interests , either life-long ones where skills can be renewed and activities expanded , or new ones where opportunities to learn can lead to great personal satisfaction .
2 She had a point ; the sports clothes were in the first part of the programme — there should be time for her to change into the wedding dress for the finale .
3 While games may be useful , and it may well be that there should be time in school devoted specifically to playing games , games are not of themselves drama .
4 There 'll be time for further questions , after which you will be free to browse around the Fair .
5 Have a go with the wood , here 's the wood , write Michelle the answer 's no , but later on I 'm sure there 'll be time for you to do it too .
6 Aristotle also doubted whether there could be time without thinking beings , since he regarded time as not merely succession but ‘ succession in so far as it is numbered ’ , and nothing can be numbered unless there is someone to do the counting .
7 She merely suggested there 'd be time for a game of spillikins before supper .
8 He had hoped there would be time for a quick cup of tea but it was n't to be .
9 Provided the Soviet regime could ensure its short-term survival , there would be time for the German revolution to bring political and material relief to the Soviet federation .
10 She calculated that there would be time for a quick dip before afternoon tea , which Juliette normally served at a quarter to four .
11 In addition to the two blocks of time suggested ( Primary and Secondary ) there would be time for briefing , rest and relaxation and de-briefing .
12 if , erm while this is going round you have any questions , now would be , now would be a good time to ask them if you have any , there will be time at the end to talk , you can do
13 This means that there will be time to fast after the death of Jesus in the sense that it will be , for a short while , a time of great sorrow .
14 When we get back to Dublin there will be time for that , but you 'll have to be patient with me .
15 lady Victoria , curator of the Burghley House collection , will talk about Japanese porcelain : Kakiemon treasures and there will be time for questions before we break for coffee .
16 But , even when people have had spells of very bad illness , they may still live for many years and there will be time for them to make good plans for their children .
17 There will be time for us to have a look round Westminster Abbey , ’ said Lady Selvedge , not in the least disturbed by the upsetting little incident of the pudding .
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