Example sentences of "there [be] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 But there 's more to a musical instrument than its basic tonal ‘ fingerprint ’ .
2 There 's more to a name than meets the eye as you will discover when you send for our brochure .
3 Paul Ryan discovers that there 's more to the photographs of Robert Doisneau than mere fascination with kissing and nostalgia
4 Neatly arranged opposite is an array of samplers , sequencers , drum machines and keyboards — just to prove there 's more to the man than the jingle-jangle of six strings over a pickup .
5 But there 's more to the Mouse than meets the eye .
6 Make people down South realize there 's more to the North than muck and football hooligans .
7 At least by then some of his pupils might be converted to the idea that there 's more to the cinema than the Addams Family and Terminator 2 .
8 But as the replies from Collingwood and Parris make clear , there is more to a tutor-organiser 's success than this : for success has to be measured by different criteria according to the context of the work .
9 There is more to a meal than what 's put on the plates .
10 Kuhn insists that there is more to a paradigm that can be explicitly laid down in the form of explicit rules and directions .
11 But as aspiring authors know , there is more to a blockbuster than a fulsome blurb .
12 There is more to the YF-22 than stealth .
13 There is more to the story of the golden calf than the features we have already mentioned .
14 Much of the interest in the plot lies in the revelation of her past , but there is more to The Chalk Garden than the melodramatic unfolding of dark secrets .
15 The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate that energy does radiate from the body and that there is more to the human being than guts , blood and bone .
16 In countries not threatened by invasion , foreign policy is rarely prominent in election campaigns , but there is more to the UK silence than that .
17 Yet there is more to the dilemmas of media tradition and ideology than the question of control .
18 He insists that there is more to the emancipation of black people than opposition to racism .
19 But there is more to the difficulty than this : the width of the belt of incised meanders in the limestone is often greater than the width of the floodplain in the clay .
20 Smile or squirm at the acronym SLUG — there is more to the name than meets the eye .
21 Nevertheless , the question still remains as to whether there is more to the situation than a simple failure in superego-development and a consequent antagonism towards all forms of authority and restraint .
22 That is undoubtedly true , yet one suspects that there is more to the matter than seasonal facilities for dancing in the nude .
23 There is more to the Premier Division , of course , than just the mathematical outcome of the championship .
24 But men have had such experiences and done nothing further about them , either because they have decided that there was less to the experience than they at first supposed , or because they could not endure the ethical and spiritual demands which were implied in the unspoken , ineffable moment of divine knowledge .
25 Sara as she greeted him was conscious again of his physical charm , but there was more to a man than a pretty envelope .
26 She was of the opinion there was more to the girl than might reasonably be expected .
27 It was the conviction that there was more to the affair than was capable of being explained upon the arrest of the fugitive Khans which now governed the tone of his response .
28 However , we had seen lively debates on aspects of a part of consumer credit with which many are not too familiar , debates which had illustrated well that there was more to the ‘ credit bargain ’ than the headline APR figure , and which had dispelled some long-held prejudices .
29 I believe Trade Unions recognised that there was more to the Bank Dispute in 1992 than a mere Salary Issue .
30 Moreover , just as there are general references to Salic law in the Pactus Legis Salicae , so too there are broad allusions to Ripuarian law in the Lex Ribvaria , suggesting once again that there was more to the law than what is contained in the code .
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