Example sentences of "there [be] [adv] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 There are also to be three subgroups of monitoring committees which will ensure adherence to contracts .
2 There are also to be 100 time-ownership properties and an 18-hole golf course .
3 There are also to be joint degree courses , joint research and exchange of staff for the 4,000-student college .
4 And so there are still to be found Latinists who think that the hilarious mistranslations in his Homage to Sextus Propertius ( 1919 ) were inadvertent rather than mischievously deliberate .
5 However , there are still to be found undertones of catastrophism in many Marxist writings , even though the authors would reject any explicit adherence to such ideas .
6 A spokesman for the Banking Industry has denied that there are about to be any job losses and it is hoped that that statement is correct .
7 Throughout the 1930s Hollywood was to make films condemning various abuses and malpractices in the American system and there were always to be films which clung to the conventions of the city film as they had emerged in the early part of the decade .
8 There were never to be any night shifts at a ‘ Laura Ashley ’ factory .
9 That was our experience under the previous Labour Government and would be the experience of Londoners if there were ever to be the misfortune of another Labour Government .
10 New constituencies would have to be devised , 325 in number if there were still to be 650 MPs .
11 There were still to be found on the roads a vagrant population of Celtic wanderers from Scotland or Ireland , and those who followed the travelling occupations like chapmen , pedlars and itinerant entertainers , as well as the true travelling people , the gypsies and tinkers .
12 There were now to be fewer and fewer Titfords in Frome as time went by ; many had died , some had left town for good .
13 There 's soon to be a beginners ' wall as well , but the most impressive construction is an immense leading wall built by DR Climbing Walls .
14 And there 's nowhere to be alone , except my bedroom , and if I try to write there my fingers die with the cold .
15 There is also to be a pensions ombudsman with statutory backing .
16 There is also to be a polo tournament for complete teams of non-polo players at £20 per team for whom all equipment will be supplied .
17 Each group is supposed to have a subject-index at the end , though some indexes are at present missing ; there is also to be a general index to the whole work .
18 There is also to be an initiative towards regional disarmament and towards limiting future arms supplies to the region .
19 There is also to be a continuation of earlier work on the experiences of black school leavers seeking work and vocational training .
20 There is also to be a Raffle and donations towards buying prizes are invited .
21 There is also to be an increase of £1.3 billion in export credit insurance cover to certain markets , ranging from China and India to Mexico and South Africa , over the next three years .
22 There is also to be a document on structure and balance in the curriculum , in which ministers will draw together the different strands .
23 Will he confirm that those luxuries included televisions ; and does he agree that if there is not to be an income tax rate of 35p to support those massive spending plans , they can be supported only by a large increase in VAT ?
24 If there is not to be a substantial gain realised on the sale of Target , it may be advantageous if management vendors sell for cash and obtain interest relief on new borrowings to invest in the buy-out ( see 4.4 below ) , rather than effect a share-for-share or share-for-debenture exchange .
25 In times when there is occasion for rejoicing as , for example , in the gathering of a successful harvest , a happy emergence from trouble or natural disaster and on many other occasions there is always to be observed an urge to offer thanks to someone or something .
26 But , if there is really to be any streamlining , Mr Rittner 's nettle must be grasped .
27 The inevitable conclusion which will be jumped to is that he is going because there is about to be some momentous U-turn over Maastricht now that Britain 's presidency of the EC is over .
28 There 's another public site at Hinksey Hill , which is very new , where they 've settled well , and there is about to be a private site out at Frilford , and that site will allow the Vale to be designated and that means that people who are encamped illegally in laybys and bridleways and grass verges can be moved on much more quickly than they can at the moment erm and if we 're not careful they 'll all be moving into West Oxfordshire .
29 There was equally to be a greater degree of attention , in schools and elsewhere , to Georgian history , archaeology and culture .
30 And when Rosa heard Caterina getting up next door , and coming towards the kitchen , she gave Sabina another hard pinch on the thin part of her arm , just to make sure she knew there was n't to be another word .
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