Example sentences of "all of [adj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 And all of that made the conversation , th the fact that Jesus was talking with this woman , a very improper thing nineteen hundred years ago !
2 All of this frustrated the Assembly , whose major proposals involved the notion of greater European unity .
3 All of this allows the Company to offer a comprehensive systems overhaul capacity .
4 All of this favours the growth of radio programme suppliers .
5 All of this ignores the nurses who have been unofficially deputising in medical roles for many years , according to senior nurse advocates .
6 All of this made the rural village an extremely close-knit society .
7 All of this creates the fractured rivalry which has existed during the whole of my service and which has survived attempts by management to ‘ weld the uniform and C.I.D .
8 The principal source of finance for all of this remained the record company .
9 All of this makes the outcome difficult to call .
10 All of this transcended the frontiers of control and undermined the employers ' ability to manage .
11 Behind all of this lies the sportsman 's desire to avoid entering the world of common man , a world in which he clocks in and out and collects his wage packet , a world that seems grey , though he has never known it , a world in which he is not stretched , a world that does not bring such pain or pleasure .
12 You want my money , you want my support , you want me to campaign for the future , you want me to recruit , then to get all of this reduce the cost of the subscriptions thus encouraging mass trade union membership .
13 Naturally enough , all of this placed the working-class organisations in a cruel dilemma .
14 Not all of this enters the Mersey because the majority of aqueous mercury losses , which is discharged to canals as the highly insoluble mercuric sulphide and settles near the factory , is removed by dredgers for landfill before it gets there .
15 All of this stresses the need to ensure that future development must enhance rather than damage the environment .
16 All of this supports the growing insistence of many gerontologists that we should conceive of the elderly as a resource not as a burden .
17 All of these dictate the nature of the actual car under consideration and can all be considered as attributes of the functional domain called " car " .
18 The fascination with functions of the body , the analogies between artistic and physical creative processes , self-portraiture used to reveal the female body as the site of patriarchal aesthetic discourse ; all of these mirror the concerns of many women painters of the 1980s .
19 Thus it is informed by a kind of pastiche of reading from ‘ unorthodox Marxism ’ , from the black books of the 1920s , because all of these emphasized the importance of conscious collective actors in changing the world .
20 The trouble is that , after the event , all of these make the situation worse rather than better .
21 All of these make the work of the PHCN exceedingly difficult especially in relation to delivering comprehensive PHC .
22 All of these provided the basis for questioning what actually goes on in resource-allocation processes , but a major step forward came with the work of Bower ( 1970 ) and Ackerman ( 1970 ) .
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