Example sentences of "all the [noun] [pers pn] has " in BNC.

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1 Everything that has happened to her over the past year has been genuine , from breaking her thumb to the operation , not to mention all the hassle she has had from standing by her father .
2 Against all the odds it has worked , and this is a measure of just how strong they both were as individuals when they came to the marriage ten years ago .
3 I would like to thank Miss Freda Scott , Voluntary Services Organiser , for all the work she has done to promote my books , and I look forward to resuming concerts at Ruchill Hospital and elsewhere .
4 The Committee is very grateful to its Secretary , , not only for all the work she has done for the committee but also for her work for ethnic minority students seeking pupillage .
5 And we in turn thank her , for all the work she has done for the Society .
6 x Unix operating systems and on to Solaris 2. x and naturally does n't want to share all the goodies it has in 2. x with 1 .
7 It 's very hard work for her er you know she has to sort of get a get all the systems She has to you know it 's it 's very hard work to get the systems going .
8 The legal question here is quite straightforward : the testator makes a bequest to his debtor , Gaius Seius , of all that Seius has borrowed from him as well as all the debts he has guaranteed for Seius .
9 He is not to retaliate and must always be happy ; thankful for all the help he has received and act like a fucking Samaritan to those worse off then himself .
10 Aelred suggested that the Commission write to the Rev. MacLean expressing their gratitude for all the help he has given .
11 Scotland has had its full share of the ‘ cake ’ and I would imagine that the National Trust for Scotland is grateful for all the help it has received .
12 ‘ I know I can rely upon your discretion , mum 's the word , ’ his constituency chairman continued , ‘ but all the publicity she has been getting has gone to her head .
13 In Robert Gray 's detailed analysis of the leisure activities , in the wider sense , of the Edinburgh " labour aristocracy " including male printers towards the end of the century , almost all the indices he has used -the bowls club , flower show , reading-room , Volunteer Rifles — were all-male organizations .
14 My brain is encrusted with scar tissue from all the frames he has pinched and nicked .
15 She is in shock and in pain and requires an immediate transfusion of love and an injection of strength in the form of your quiet sympathy and understanding , and practical help with all the arrangements she has to make , as well as assistance with the simple routines of daily living ; for even these may be too much for her to cope with alone while she is engaged in the important and necessary task of grieving .
16 Yet Shakespeare also undermines him from within , in the great scene where the ghosts of all the people he has murdered appear in turn , cursing him and blessing Richmond ( V.iii.118–206 ) .
17 Bill Service , Personnel Manager states ‘ In all the time she has been in the Mill , she was never late of absent until February 1987 when she unfortunately slipped while coming to work and sustained a dislocated elbow . ’
18 Milton has lived in the same stable all the time he has been with the Whitakers .
19 It is typical of this Tory government , a government that has not had a constructive idea all the time it has been in office , but thinks that union bashing is the only answer to the country 's problems , that thinks it is the only way to unite the Tory troops .
20 Already we have moved into a darker , more specific and personal mood which is strengthened by the last chapter where the listener is brought closer to the poet to provide comfort for all the losses he has endured .
21 ’ cheery voice and shrill whistle will be sadly missed in Malt Dispatch by all the drivers he has guided back on to the doings !
22 Bringing baby Bogdan Ursu to Middlesbrough for a vital operation grabbed the headlines , but Rod has developed an affection for all the children he has helped on his trips .
23 Because she 's such a happy child and she copes with all the thing she has to have done .
24 For he claims that , despite all the attention it has received , Marx 's doctrine has been radically misunderstood and underestimated .
25 The single market of 1992 finds the solicitors ' profession in a prime position to take advantage of all the opportunities it has to offer .
26 For the all the impact it has on the local political climate , it might as well be in Alaska .
27 At the bottom of it all , there is a feeling that sterling will never regain all the ground it has lost since autumn .
28 Meanwhile , all the effort she has put into her creations will be wasted if local good causes are not allowed to benefit from selling them .
29 Simple method , depending on continuity : The robot keeps a set , called R , of all the solutions it has found .
30 All the trouble he has because of this .
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