Example sentences of "all that [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We 'd stock up the shelves and by the middle of the afternoon all that would be left would be size 14s in puce and some size fives that maybe a girl would pop in and buy for a party just before we shut .
2 The Kodak laboratories of my eidesis were being dismantled ; soon all that would be left was an out-of-order passport-photo-booth , mouldering on an empty station platform .
3 Eventually , the star would be so dim that it could no longer be seen from the spaceship : all that would be left would be a black hole in space .
4 All that would be needed to perfect the system would be to eliminate the final and most tiresome source of error — the electors .
5 They know that all that would be put at risk if there were the prospect of a Labour Government .
6 All that would be required is a change in practice .
7 In such circumstances , all that would be protected would be the employer 's " lead time " , the advantage of getting his product to the market place first .
8 On the information given ( which is , for example , all that might be given in an intermediate credit advertisement under the Consumer Credit ( Advertisements ) Regulations 1980 ) the only way that the shopper , without access to a computer , can decide between these alternative APRs is subjectively .
9 All that might be allowed for in this context was that individual cases might be considered if I particularly pressed " , and it has to be added that this was in full accordance with the AFHQ instruction of 7 March which stated that " it is not the policy of she British Government to encourage any of those persons who become a British responsibility to put forward claims that they are NOT Soviet Citizens " .
10 ‘ And should any other prince or captain , Christian or infidel , of whatever law or sect or condition he may be , pretend to any right to these lands and seas , I am ready and prepared to deny him and to defend them in the names of the Kings of Castile present and future , whose is this empire and the dominion of these Indies , islands and mainland , northern and southern , with their seas , in the arctic pole as in the antarctic , on both sides of the equinoctial line , within and without the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn — so that each thing and part of it belong and appertain most completely to Their Highnesses and to their successors , as I declare more at length by writ setting forth all that may be said or can be said and alleged in behalf of their royal patrimony , now and for all time so long as the world shall last until the final universal judgement of all mortals . '
11 All that may be written is one short story , the final one of the genre , the cork in the bottle .
12 All that may be stated with any certainty is that his knowledge of the craft must have been more than merely adequate and that he was a good businessman .
13 It is of course possible that structures of the second kind , the equivalences of category , can be found in equal quantity in non-poetic language ; all that may be required , it has been argued ( Culler 1975 : 62 ) is a sufficiently flexible system of categorization .
14 All that may be needed is a classification of machines and a measurement of time spent on each machine by each product .
15 In actual fact , all that may be offered may be a few strands of tobacco which , in many contexts , are assumed to suffice .
16 While it is true that we have until now been concerned with consciousness , and used the term " mental events " in the ordinary way so as not to include all that may be included in the mental , the rest of the subject-matter of that domain is not thereby excluded from our coming reflections .
17 Law had indeed brought Asquith to the point of conceding all that could be hoped for from Ulster 's resistance , but he was unable to seize the fruits .
18 Working from these definitions , it seemed that secondary prevention included two very different situations , that is , early identification of comparatively mild problems with a hopeful outcome , and more serious problems involving risk , in which amelioration and containment might be all that could be achieved .
19 When the two girls left the smithy , Gay was carrying the wooden board — a rough affair that was all that could be obtained — and Breeze was leading on the end of a knotted string a small and ill-favoured specimen of doghood .
20 Grace had already taken in all that could be salvaged of Willis 's clothing , for drying and mending .
21 Like all long-term coughers he had developed a noise-reducing technique , and all that could be heard was a chuck-chuck-chuck sound that would go on for long minutes at a time , gradually winding down like a clockwork drummer until every scrap of air was squeezed out of his poor concrete lungs .
22 After what seemed an age all that could be heard were little hiccups .
23 All that could be done .
24 All that could be done was to work by analogy .
25 The front discs were changed and that was all that could be done .
26 For surely someone as gifted as that deserved all that could be done for him : and ‘ the gift ’ put it above any gossip about an overkeen schoolmaster bringing on a bright pupil and overrode any chatter about the besotted nature of his devotion .
27 It was all that could be done .
28 A handkerchief drenched in vinegar was often all that could be done but he added , ‘ I seldom enter an hospital or prison before breakfast ; in an offensive room I avoid drawing my breath deeply ; and on my return sometimes wash my mouth and hands . ’
29 All that could be done that day had been done .
30 In front of the refrigerator lay the shape of a man , but all that could be seen were the backs of the calves , and the pale , poignant soles of a pair of bare feet .
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