Example sentences of "all [Wh pn] have [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His main aim in these months was to reconcile and renew the nation : hence no revolution , but most of the reforms that the CNR had wanted ; hence a purge , but not the wholesale purge of all who had had dealings with the Germans or with Vichy ; hence a referendum and free elections , but no plebiscite ( whatever his opponents alleged , the referendum of October 1945 was not a true plebiscite ) ; hence the presidency but no Gaullist party .
2 To all complaints about his conduct he made the same answer : he was bound by the decree of 1099 , which obliged him to withdraw from the communion of all who had taken part in ceremonies of investiture or homage .
3 These have been very well received by all who have obtained copies , tutors , examiners and students .
4 All who have given thought to the matter agree that an apparatus as complex as the human eye could not possibly come into existence through single-step selection .
5 All who have received watches in previous years were invited together with the families and friends of those being presented .
6 These are unlikely to cause death ( unless you 're a surgeon or an airline pilot ) , but all who have experienced flashbacks regard them as extremely disturbing .
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