Example sentences of "all [det] [noun pl] [am/are] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fundamental to all such discussions are assumptions about the rate of evolution of decorative styles and the definition of the circumstances in which such evolution took place .
2 The economics of all such awards are sound : give away a substantial sum of prize money ( preferably the biggest that most seductive word ) , spend a little more on promotion , and , most essential , appoint as judges a judicious mixture of ancient worthies , the current great and good , a television personality or some such , and perhaps a critic or museum man to add some small semblance of probity to the proceedings .
3 All these materials are part of a structure which is very highly integrated , not only within itself but also both backwards and downstream .
4 All these structures are submarine .
5 All these instruments are hand made .
6 ( All these findings are averages and do not relate to single pieces of work . )
7 Now , all these products are water soluble which means they can be rinsed off with water .
8 All these approaches are efforts to overcome the perceived faults of hierarchy and find better ways to improve morale and harness human creativity .
9 All these behaviours are part of a vicious circle where a maladaptive response to stress produces more stress .
10 All these cases are ones in which the addressee of the words ‘ I ask you to be content ’ has already benefited under another disposition , and is now suffering the indignity of having that testamentary largesse curtailed .
11 Any you know the , and all these things are sort of if .
12 All these methods are ways to reduce the amount of data captured , do n't forget than a 5″ by 4″ black& white photo scanned with 64 levels of grey will take a theoretical 1.35M of storage .
13 All these algorithms are examples of a class of clusterers studied by Buntine .
14 All these undertakings are companies , and hereafter are identified as such , except for a 50 per cent interest in a general partnership [ Unimar Company ] which is consolidated on a proportionate basis .
15 All these children are mutant children of the same parent , differing from their parent with respect to one gene each .
16 All these examples are part and parcel of what we can encounter in higher education courses .
17 Anyway , all these books are mine , and so is the whole house , or will be in a few years ’ time .
18 Well they 're not lo all those appearances are P A , it 's all gon na be mimed and backing tapes .
19 Oh all those kids are sort of young
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