Example sentences of "all [noun pl] would be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Equally , so far as the civil law was concerned , a request phrased in terms of a trust to one of the heirs to pay all debts would be ineffective .
2 When it comes to applying the test , the skilled person is not endowed with any inventive faculties himself , a somewhat artificial premise , but to hold otherwise would mean that virtually all inventions would be obvious and not patentable .
3 It takes the co-operation of both parties to pull this off and all artists would be wise to give their general interview method some thought in advance .
4 In our hypothetical ‘ mechanical speech ’ all words would be separate units placed next to each other in sequence ; in real connected speech , however , we sometimes link words together .
5 In a free market , all schools would be able to operate quality control on their raw material in this way , and it would not be long before some children were not wanted by any school because they were ‘ poor examination material ’ .
6 Not all investors would be prepared to pay fees .
7 For such a man all things would be possible .
8 He thinks this is an question but in small societies may be a much higher level of democratic erm intervention at all levels would be possible , but it 's only in modern societies that participation on a very extensive scale becomes absolutely impossible .
9 If all jobs and workers were homogeneous and there were perfect information and perfect mobility of labour , then it is reasonable to suppose that all wages would be equal .
10 Our aim was to develop a learning environment and a series of activities in which all pupils would be able to participate actively , and collaborate together .
11 The second outcome is that all children would be aware of what 's involved in the record of achievement .
12 Within an evolutionary framework it could be argued that the work working class women did outside the home was an anachronistic survival and that society was in fact progressing towards a position whereby all women would be able to stay at home .
13 Without you all streets would be one way the other way .
14 Of course , not all jobs would be suitable for teleworking .
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