Example sentences of "all [prep] [Wh pn] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In so far as Derek thought at all about who had murdered Maurice Abberley — or why — he supposed a crazed hitch-hiker must have been responsible .
2 This group comprised 25 patients ( 12 men and 13 women ) with a mean age of 51 years ( range 30–74 ) , all of whom had documented chronic liver disease ( clinical , biochemical , and histological criteria ) with patient portal vein as shown radiologically .
3 Two open studies and a controlled trial report on the treatment of a total of 77 patients all of whom had achieved full clinical remission by means of diet ( parenteral nutrition ( 33 ) , enteral nutrition ( 25 ) , and 19 simply by the use of elimination diets ) .
4 Johnson was told by his lawyers that he , the churchwardens , the Parochial Church Council and LGCM ( all of whom had applied for the faculty ) were likely to lose the case .
5 William was one of 3 brothers ; all of whom had done the Duke of Edinburgh awards .
6 His swift rise to international acclaim was nevertheless tragically cut short when at only 42 he died of a heart attack just when ‘ poised to take his place alongside Barere , Friedman and Horowitz as the natural successors to Hofmann , Rachmaninov , Rosenthal , Godowsky and Lhevinne , all of whom had contributed to the last golden age of pianism ’ as Bryan Crimp , the dedicated compiler of this anthology of Levitzki 's total surviving electrical recordings for HMV , puts it in the accompany booklet .
7 The conference finished with a debate on the economy , pledging full support to the sacked Timex workers from Dundee and the workers from Rolls Royce at Hillington , the Leyland Daf Albion plant , the Gray Dunn factory , and Rosyth dockyard all of whom had sent delegations to Inverness .
8 This conclusion is supported by the replies which Michael Müller-Claudius , formerly a psychologist , received to his unique , camouflaged small sample of opinion of sixty-one Party members ( all of whom had joined either the NSDAP or the Hitler Youth before 1933 ) in 1942 .
9 Closed as a church in 1970 , it had passed through several owners , all of whom had had different plans for the building , the final one being to open it as a World War II museum .
10 Six priests took part in the Mass all of whom had had close links with him during his ministry .
11 He congratulated the youngsters , all of whom had won prizes in the 1992 Young Environmentalist of the Year Competition .
12 Nearly half of those questioned — all of whom had bought or sold property within the past eighteen months — had some complaint , the most common being that agents charged too much and were inefficient or indifferent .
13 There were no youthful revolutionaries , they were all , in the main , mature men — some of whom had fought in '16 — and all of whom had advanced the Irish cause either with funds or arms down through the years .
14 There was a strong and efficient band , all Wolverton men under the leadership of Bandmaster Brooks , and an ambulance squad of eight men , all of whom had qualified for the Geneva Badge .
15 For some unaccountable reason she had bent down to inspect the floor , hoping , though Dr Neil did not know this , to escape the attentions of Havvie and his friends , all of whom had known her well in her old life .
16 That the rich did not escape the scourge is evident at Crich in Derbyshire when , in October 1349 , William de Wakebridge added a small chantry chapel to the parish church in memory of his wife , his father , his two sisters and three brothers , all of whom had died of the plague in the summer of that year .
17 My classes will for the time being be taken by other teachers , all of whom have said that they will look after them until I am ready to have them back .
18 It focusses week after week on the same seven characters , all of whom have reached that certain stage in life — they 're having children , their marriages are foundering , they 're wondering what on earth they 're doing in their work , or their parents are dying .
19 ‘ Simply red ’ , on the other hand , is a collective exhibition , being staged by Gilbert Brownstone & C. Thirteen artists are taking part , including John Armieder , Marcia Hafif , François Perrodin , Imi Knoebel and Bernard Aubertin , all of whom have contributed a work based on red .
20 The result was the greatest phenomenon in the history of chess : three sisters , Zsuzsa , Zsofia and Judit Polgar , all of whom have achieved Grandmaster results in their teens .
21 The average cost per square foot provided here are national averages based on actual costs incurred by clients of leading package supplier Design and Materials Ltd , all of whom have completed their homes in the past six months .
22 Brigadier Scott is taken to the Sergeants ' Mess to meet the Mess members , all of Whom have played vital parts either as instructors or in the administrative support of the recruits ' training , prior to lunching in the Officers ' Mess .
23 So the Masters ' honour roll contains such unlikely winners as Art Wall , Gay Brewer , Bob Goalby , George Archer , Charles Coody and Larry Mize , all of whom have failed to win another major title .
24 But the leaderships of the main factions consist almost entirely of sociologists and political scientists , all of whom have had to read Macchiavelli at one stage of their careers .
25 This form of acquired dyslexia is sometimes called pure alexia or alexia without agraphia , the reason being that , as a rule , these patients have no impairment of writing or spelling , and so they contrast with patients having other kinds of acquired dyslexia , all of whom have had impaired writing and spelling as well as impaired reading .
26 Amazingly , Brazil has excelled in the world of motor racing , producing not one , but two , but three world champions , all of whom have proved themselves to be great drivers .
27 This will be done with the full cooperation of C3 Division of the Home Office , the Lord Chancellor 's Department and the Crown Prosecution Service all of whom have agreed to grant access to the relevant documentation in relation to cases during the first five years of the Act 's operation .
28 [ That this House calls upon the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and the Minister of State for Overseas Development to grant Aid Trade Provision Cover and ECGD cover over three years from 1992 to enable Communication Supplies Ltd. to continue to export further System X telephone exchanges and ancillary equipment to Kenya , which they have done successfully for the past seven years ; and furthermore notes that the Kenyan Government considers this project as top of their list of priorities for trade with the United Kingdom , and the project will save and provide many thousands of jobs throughout the United Kingdom and will lead to repeat business for many years to come , and that if funding is not forthcoming the contract will be lost to the United Kingdom and awarded to either Japanese , French or Italian companies , all of whom have shown open interest . ]
29 All of whom have taken away bumf and seem interested , and in about a week I 'm going to follow it up by writing to them .
30 At the end of Day One there are well over 2,000 soldiers in Safra , all of whom have arrived by air transport .
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