Example sentences of "all [prep] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What it was all about was to do with politics .
2 He was a voluminous writer of fiction : his earliest novel , Rogues and Vagabonds , was serialized in One and All before being published as a book in 1885 .
3 Would you expect it all to be done for you now ?
4 They are all to be seen with the Empress in the Winterhalter portrait .
5 Michael Powell noticed the development of a ‘ civil service ’ mentality within Rank at the time of making The Red Shoes , but his argument that ‘ there is something after all to be said for lavishness , improvisation and a certain amount of waste ’ was not likely to make much headway with John Davis , managing director of Rank from 1948 , who disliked creative people , considering them extravagant and unreliable .
6 Are you askin' for him an' all to be stabbed with a pair of scissors ? …
7 Roddy Lou Thai was not pleased at all to be questioned by two representatives of the repressive Imperialist Government , under whose chauvinistic wing he had been living for four years .
8 All to be achieved within one and a half hours .
9 If the decisions are all to be made in Brussels , why should the Scots send Members of Parliament to Westminster ?
10 In those days , of course , there was n't much money at all to be made from athletics .
11 Blake says : ‘ In learning to interpret the horse 's vocal sounds , the tone , note and delivery are all to be taken into account , and so are the non-verbal messages — the body signs — that accompany the sound . ’
12 And all to be set to her account , for she had driven him away !
13 The bedrooms are all to be equipped with TV , radio and telephone .
14 The physical and organizational settings in which children 's learning took place were to be all-important , and the combination of PNP resourcing , advisory effort and enhanced school staffing were all to be directed to their improvement , or to establishing what advisory staff termed ‘ the quality learning environment ’ .
15 There are many ways to grab a person but they are all to be avoided for two reasons .
16 But in the disclaimer his children need above all to be protected from the ghastly consequences of their own actions .
17 I mean un unless you make the control room blast proof , which is maybe a thing to be looked in to in the future and then again they 're speaking about making the accommodation module separate from the platform itself which is another thing , but I mean that 's all to be looked at .
18 It was decreed that they were all to be suspended from their duties : commissioners were to hear complaints against them , and those found guilty were to be permanently removed from office .
19 Thus speculative balances are likely first of all to be spent on financial assets which are close substitutes for money , rather than on real assets such as land , buildings , and the like .
20 People did broadcasts , and if they wrote books , or gave talks on books , these books were all to be found in the BBC Library , along with a fine technical collection and an unrivalled political section , dating back to the days when Guy Burgess ran their first Parliamentary programmes .
21 Robert correctly answered the 10 questions , the answers to which were all to be found in the BNFL publication ‘ Our Environment ’ , and a cheque for £150 is on its way to him .
22 Poles , Ukrainians and Jews were all to be found in the western , south-western and southern parts of the empire .
23 The wives of farmers and farm labourers , of general labourers and of miners are all to be found among their ranks .
24 Proliferation of such schemes will make it essential both to try to avoid consumer confusion , and also to ensure that gaps and overlap are guarded against , but they are all to be welcomed as a recognition that a proper complaints and redress system is necessary if justice is to be done .
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