Example sentences of "been [adv prt] [conj] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The refurbishers have been in and out over the generations .
2 Since morning he had been in and out of the kitchen where Maggie and Mona were cleaning and tidying and preparing for the big meal .
3 He had been in and out of love , but never found quite the right girl at quite the right time to make him a wife .
4 He had been in and out of the England team for ten years and had played 55 Tests , probably the best off-spinner in the world for much of this time .
5 Fred Klepner had been in and out of both Mark 's and Pat Muldoon 's offices , which were only a few yards apart , like an eager beaver .
6 It was from such lofty horizons that it was first introduced in 1839 and it has been in and out of gardens ever since .
7 Millbottom has been in and out of the cloth trade and was subsequently turned over to other uses .
8 We had never worked together , but we had been in and out of each other 's views and policies about education .
9 He looked better , but he 'd been in and out of his wits so many times in the past weeks there was no knowing .
10 He had suffered from these for seven years and had been in and out of mental hospitals many times and had received every available treatment including electro-convulsive therapy ( ECT ) — all to no avail .
11 ‘ He has been in and out of the side since signing as an amateur three years ago but in the past couple of weeks has taken the game by the scruff of the neck . ’
12 For all that you 've been in and out of our house a thousand times you do n't know the way they are . ’
13 Celia had been in and out of the Meadhaven Clinic three times now .
14 Gregory , who has been in and out of care most of his life , did n't even glance at his 30-year-old mother as he told the court in Orlando , Florida :
15 She admitted the girl had been in and out of voluntary care because her mother had been unable to cope with her .
16 By the time the train reached Ealing Broadway they had been in and out of every car and as the train returned they followed the same routine .
17 It appeared that for two years after the wrist-slashing incident she 'd been in and out of mental hospital .
18 ‘ The jobs I 've been in and out of would tell the history of the twentieth century , ’ he 'd say .
19 He 's been in and out of jail .
20 I 'd been in and out of hospitals , where my veins had been pumped full of glucose because I 'd refused to eat .
21 I 've been in and out of places , I 've had to learn the hard way .
22 Her parents had divorced when she was fourteen , her father had been in and out of prison , was often alcoholic , and had occasionally beaten up her mother .
23 ‘ I 've been in and out of a lot of jails in my time . ’
24 He 's been in and out of this place every day for thirty-five years .
25 Th I mean she might have been in and out of
26 His psychological profile is revealing , he was abandoned by his mother , brought up in care , he 's been in and out of detention centre 's and prison , there 's a whole list of complaints against him from women for physical abuse .
27 Over the past four years Colin French has been in and out of court … receiving sixty-five convictions for cruelty .
28 She went home for the first time after twelve weeks … but she 's been in and out of the unit constantly ever since .
29 He has been in and out of hospital since , and will be back in Alder Hey again for more treatment next week .
30 Lawrence said he had sympathised with record signing Andy Payton , who has been in and out of the side since his move from Hull .
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