Example sentences of "been [vb pp] in some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Movie memorabilia is nothing new but cries of blaX-ploitation have been heard in some quarters .
2 The expenditure of public money on this , yet another television service , has been criticized in some quarters , but the Governor told me his decision was based on the fact , as he saw it , of NTV 's pro-Federal bias .
3 It does piss you off admittedly when scum are on so much , and I 've a sneaking feeling that Leeds have still not been forgiven in some parts of the press for being close enough to sneak the title when scum fucked up ( due to Fuckerson 's crap team selection ) .
4 In an attempt to address this situation , alternative approaches to worker certification and improved opportunities for advancement have been developed in some countries .
5 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
6 Spectacles or low vision aids may have been prescribed in some cases , and teachers should be informed about this .
7 It came from Tony Morrell , the Hartlepool-based athlete who has been preferred to Cram in the 1500 metres and whose fitness had been queried in some quarters .
8 The statement on value added has been reported in some cases .
9 Increased rates of spinal bone loss have been reported in some patients and the average spinal bone loss was 3%/yr .
10 Initially , she had been ostracised in some quarters , and on several occasions when she had arranged a soiree , rival parties had been arranged for the same night .
11 It is more difficult to judge how far the commitment has been translated into action , though it is clear that progress has been made in some areas .
12 profits have continued to represent about one-third of the turnover ; this is seen as not necessarily the highest proportion of profits to income in the headhunting business as a whole , where estimates of 60% have been made in some cases .
13 One should attempt to avoid the situation where your own surgeon is instructed to prepare an initial Report some 12–24 months after the accident or as has been seen in some cases , up to four years after an accident .
14 Peripheral neuropathy has also been seen in some patients with PSS and neuropathy has been implicated in the initial changes in oesophageal motility .
15 I 'm sure it 's been operated in some places but your policy and resources committee do recommend that we do not go down that road .
16 The significance of internal structures had already been accepted in some cases ( otherwise whales and dolphins would be classified as fish rather than as mammals ) , but Cuvier made this central to the classification of the whole animal kingdom .
17 In Yip Kai-foon the Privy Council rejected the solution which has been adopted in some jurisdictions of directing the jury to convict of the offence which they consider to be more probable .
18 Examples were used in the report to indicate the approaches to enlist the help of parents which had been adopted in some schools .
19 The counting of published papers is a crude method of measuring the productivity of research workers , but it has been used in some studies , such as that carried out by Vlachy 232 .
20 The ideal osmotic control for ethanol is distilled water and not hypertonic glucose or saline as has been used in some studies .
21 One type of ‘ natural ’ matching has been used in some studies of identical ( I ) ( about 1 in 5 ) and non-identical ( N ) twins .
22 Since 1925 , it is true , gas has been used in some conflicts , including most recently in the Iran-Iraq war .
23 At least the powers are there in the statute and have been used in some cases .
24 Supplementary dietary calcium has been shown in some studies to reduce colonic cell proliferation in man .
25 While vitamin B12 malabsorption has been shown in some patients , it is recognised that bile acid absorption is a more sensitive test of terminal ileal function than vitamin B12 absorption .
26 Their organization into lineages descended from ancestral females has been demonstrated in some populations .
27 An increased rate of gastric emptying has previously been noted in some patients with DU , and a familial form of the disease associated with rapid gastric emptying has also been described .
28 Organised thrombi have been noted in some patients in association with plexiform lesions suggesting chronic thomboemboli as the cause .
29 The sober grey suit has been replaced in some instances by pink corduroys and sandals , while some interviewers were faced with female candidates in low cut dresses or transparent blouses .
30 Saw pits have been recognised in some woods — a late medieval one was excavated in Wetmoor , part of the former Horwood in Gloucestershire .
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