Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 You can even scan for viruses that would normally be missed by a standard scanner because it would have been hidden away in an archive file .
2 The march of the matriarchal society may have been stopped here in the United Kingdom , but it is but a temporary halt , a moment in time .
3 Austin Brown , the ace photographer who took these beautiful pictures , had already been flown off in a Cessna 172 .
4 The dishwasher has been tucked away in the central island and is opposite the main sink , so dishes can be quickly rinsed and put out of sight .
5 The month-old ‘ final offensive ’ has been most successful this year because a split that erupted last August among rebel ranks has not yet been patched up in the face of Khartoum 's assaults .
6 He did not believe that a long period of purdah was necessary , and the general rule that such a record could not be published until thirty years after the event was indeed ridiculous , since it has been honoured only in the breach .
7 All the mail handled at Aberdeen carries the city 's postmark and the letter bombs could have been posted anywhere in the area .
8 This was carried out by Sachs ( 1967 ) and it compared recall of sentences which had just been heard with recall of sentences which had been heard earlier in a passage .
9 As had been realised already in the model experiments , a rotor ship would not make full use of a wind blowing directly from astern .
10 Carlson was aware of conflicting reports : that Bourbollon had been assassinated earlier in the day ; that he had committed suicide rather than face capture by freedom fighters .
11 His name had been leaked inadvertently in a press interview which I had given and someone had traced his whereabouts .
12 Thousands of miles of Midland and East Anglian hedges have been ripped out in the last thirty years or so to accommodate the new agricultural demands and techniques .
13 The extradition was still stalled ; there was another fraud investigation involving a British defence equipment company that had been ripped off in an American takeover deal ; there was a coke run in London that the Bureau in New York were interested in ; there was a guy who was under surveillance and who was going to have a Grand Jury warrant out for him for chopping his girlfriend 's mother into small pieces ; there were investigations that were vaguer , and things that were closer .
14 However , it must be remembered that much of the work until these last few weeks has been undertaken outside in the kind of conditions experienced by most preservationists .
15 The balance has been placed mostly in the Philippines and Indonesia .
16 Might it have been placed here in the temple by the rulers to inspire the religion of the herd ?
17 It was followed by a lunch party at a local restaurant where the tables had been placed outside in the cobbled square .
18 In recent years , employment prospects have been excellent and geographers have been placed successfully in a wide range of employment in research , industry , commerce , government , and the professions , either entering directly or by using their first degrees as a foundation for further qualifications .
19 Apparently it had been placed there in the pre-dawn .
20 The 67 children who had reached maturity at the time of this study tended to have been diagnosed earlier in the decade than those still growing .
21 All this implies , as has been pointed out in the collected evidence presented to the 1987 Select Committee inquiry into the implementation of the 1981 Education Act ( cf vol 2 of the evidence ) , and to many others since then involved in attempts at educational reform :
22 It is very tempting , as has been pointed out in the discussion on choosing an agency , to go for the ideas and ignore the reasons for them .
23 The use of CAI in library instruction has been developed largely in the USA .
24 They should never have been developed separately in the first place .
25 Other triterpenoids such as oleanolic acid ( 2 ) 4 ( Calendula ) , ursolic acid ( 3 ) 5 ( Psychotria adenophylla ) , taxaxerol ( 4 ) 5 ( Taraxacum officinale ) , lupeol acetate ( 5 ) 5 ( Spilanthes ocymifolia ) and sericic acid and it glycoside sericoside ( 6 ) 6 ( Terminalia sericea ) have antiulcer properties but these compounds have not been developed commercially in the West .
26 In retrospect , she said , the Budget could have been a great deal worse for disabled people considering what issues had been bandied about in the media recently .
27 For example , all the work on Mediterranean societies notes a strong preference for marriage between cousins who are the children of two brothers , which contrasts sharply with traditional marriage customs in Britain ( and elsewhere in northern Europe ) , where the marriage between close kin has been prohibited , although the range of kin to whom these prohibitions apply has been whittled down in the past century ( Wolfram , 1987 ) .
28 There is really very little excuse for the student wandering out of reach of the field if he has been taught well in the first place .
29 But these problems have apparently been ironed out in the current batch of models .
30 Some letters might have been regarded even in the late sixth century as being historically important ; the first two , which are among the earliest in the collection , are letters from Remigius , bishop of Rheims , to Clovis , the first Christian king of the Franks .
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