Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 By then it was clear that the relaxation of tensions between East and West had gone far beyond the détente of the 1970s , when the Atlantic alliance and Warsaw Pact had remained strong and tensions had been eased only against a background of continuing ideological competition between the two sides .
2 Er has the card been filled in with a date on it ?
3 These have been hidden here by a little firm , and I think I know whose it was ! ’
4 ‘ The tackle from behind has been stopped here for a long time , but they were doing it all night and getting away with it .
5 Austin Brown , the ace photographer who took these beautiful pictures , had already been flown off in a Cessna 172 .
6 But you talk with a group of youngsters , one of whose friends has just been flown back from a border patrol paralysed for life ; or to a big warm-hearted farmer who tells you , as he jokes with his grandchildren , how he sleeps with his rifle beside his bed and watches every road for landmines — and you see the other side of the coin .
7 They had also been joined here by a number of " White " emigres from outside the USSR , that is to say anti-Communists who had gone into exile during or after the Civil War of 1918–20 and had subsequently lived in various European countries .
8 This was carried out by Sachs ( 1967 ) and it compared recall of sentences which had just been heard with recall of sentences which had been heard earlier in a passage .
9 His name had been leaked inadvertently in a press interview which I had given and someone had traced his whereabouts .
10 And so , drawing together the threads of this obsessive preoccupation with the civility of ‘ Old England ’ which had been ripped apart by a new strain of hot-blooded and un-English violence , the Old Thunderer arrived at a truly horrific conclusion : ‘ Our streets are actually not as safe as they were in the days of our grandfathers .
11 Even its provenance had been established : a whole heap of such material — mostly in longer pieces — had been ripped out of a nearby house and lay , awaiting removal .
12 That is to say that they were demand led , except perhaps in their respective " manias " when a number must be viewed as having been undertaken ahead of a demand .
13 An overnight case had been placed carefully on a sheet of newspaper .
14 A sheet of cloth has been placed on to a stripped bed , the winding-sheet has been folded over the left-hand side of the corpse , the remainder drawn over the right , whilst the arms have been folded across the body in line with the bottom of the rib-cage .
15 Economic questions have been left largely to social policy analysts to look at , and much of their writing has been placed squarely within a radical framework often described by the term ‘ the political economy of ageing ’ .
16 In recent years , employment prospects have been excellent and geographers have been placed successfully in a wide range of employment in research , industry , commerce , government , and the professions , either entering directly or by using their first degrees as a foundation for further qualifications .
17 On the left breast of his tunic the insignia of the Legion d'Honneur glimmered among a broad cluster of medals , and his plumed tricorn had been placed ostentatiously on a table at his side .
18 On the village green is a stone block said to have been placed there by a local lord of short stature , to help him mount his horse .
19 As one policeman remarked after a gouger had been treated leniently by a judge , ‘ Right , we 'll get him for every wrong move he makes ’ ( FN 9/3/87 , p. 8 ) .
20 I have argued elsewhere that these ideological failures have been compounded firstly by a reductive conception of culture and secondly by a culturalist conception of race and ethnic identity ( Gilroy , 1987 ) .
21 We have a great deal of sympathy er but whereas I do n't think some of the ideas that have been floated tonight for a Cornwall and Gibraltar West seat er or erm any kind of link up between Cornwall and any tail end of a Welsh seat we do n't think is practical and I think he 's got ta solve this problem er within the confines of Cornwall being regarded as part of England if not Anglo Saxon .
22 After all , the 26 tracks on the album have been whittled down from a huge figure .
23 Since the monks were thrown out of Prague in 1954 , the cloisters of the monastery have been given over to a display of Czech illuminated manuscripts , printing techniques and modern literature .
24 Thirteen of the twenty rooms have been given over to a new permanent exhibition ‘ Europe and America : nineteenth- and twentieth-century paintings and watercolours from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection ’ .
25 In the first place , it will be transferred only if it has been given previously to a candidate of higher preference now elected with a surplus or eliminated .
26 To mitigate his appearance , he had grown a beard — though it was so fine , to conform with custom , that it might have been painted on with a kohl-brush , an impression reinforced by the methodical severity with which the rest of the face had been shaved .
27 My right hon. Friend knows that set-aside has been regarded primarily as a restraint on production .
28 Both of these points of contention were symptomatic of the fundamental issue at stake for Washington , which was that it had lost control of events in Cuba and a client state which had been regarded virtually as a part of the American mainland had moved out of the US orbit .
29 Billy Dann 's office was long and narrow , almost as narrow as the desk placed across it just in front of the window , but very high because it had been partitioned out of a much bigger room .
30 The embryo has been broken up into a number of regions whose development is largely independent of one another .
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