Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Many members were concerned that the Sunday club searches had become too crowded , and club membership has now been limited to 75 people .
2 Much work has been undertaken on this aircraft and it has clearly got into the blood of those at PE , so much so that should the SAAF Museum at Swartkop , near Pretoria , ever wish to move there , they would find a fearsome fight on their hands !
3 Once a female is grabbed in amplexus the male is likely to have to defend her from other males , and fights lasting hours or days and involving several males have been witnessed in numerous species .
4 Recently , the problem of hyperventilation ( see p 155 ) has been diagnosed in same people with alleged chemical sensitivity — particularly the ‘ universal reactors ’ .
5 Financial problems have been compounded by lower sales in the Pronuptia-Youngs division .
6 Various methods of analysis have been developed for such data .
7 The five examples outlined above illustrate the proliferation of schemes and courses which have been developed for unemployed people in the 1980s .
8 The Darwinians were also impressed with the discovery by Henry Walter Bates ( 1825–92 ) of a new kind of mimicry in South American insects , where an edible species copies the warning colours that have been developed by another species that is distasteful to birds .
9 We were given tasks , but then the tasks had been given to certain people like yourself , starting to want to do the other things , that other people were doing , and then everybody wanted to do instead of doing the tasks that they were set .
10 Millions of pounds have been given by ordinary people in response to appeals for help .
11 ‘ Yet again the depths of depravity have been plumbed by these people .
12 — it could be used to present language — either for the introduction of new areas of language or to supplement what has been taught by other means and methods ;
13 There has always been some awareness of this problem and the publication of simple informative magazines such as The Teacher in Uganda , has been regarded as one means of overcoming it .
14 All direct European sales operations have been re-directed to corporate headquarters under the charge of Neil McNeil — formerly international marketing manager for the Middle East .
15 They 've been formed from separate corps looking after Transport , Ordnance , Supplies , Catering and Military Mail .
16 When I was in Rapeman , I ca n't say it really surprised me because I had been exposed to English people before , but I did n't think that people were being serious initially .
17 Just a few days before the launch the original pilot , Ken Mattingy , had been exposed to German measles and was found to have no immunity , He was replaced by his backup , Jack Swigert , who managed just two days prime-crew training before leaving for the Moon !
18 Network Southeast carries passengers three hundred and ninety million passengers a year , more than half the total for the whole of B R. So although off peak increases have been pegged at four percent , today 's announcement affects huge numbers of commuters .
19 The tremendous emphasis on the romantic conception of marriage and of the wedding day as signifying life 's romantic climax , which has figured for many years in British society and which has been fostered by mass media and advertising , also has its effect on expectations .
20 Diseases similar to bovine spongiform encephalopathy have recently been reported in several species of domestic and zoo animals .
21 This ratio has been reported in several series of patients with malignant disease taking continuing oral doses of slow release morphine and having satisfactory levels of analgesia : in one series of 40 patients the mean plasma ratio was 5:1 and in another of 151 patients it was 4.5:1 ; in another 40 patients the ratio in the cerebrospinal fluid was 6:1 .
22 Land revenues , although boosted by the dissolution , had already been eroded by massive sales .
23 If the information has been divulged to sufficient people so that it can be said to be no longer confidential , an injunction will not be of any help ; it would be like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted .
24 It also now appears that his cathedral was considerably bigger than anyone thought , since sections of cylindrical columns from it have been re-used in later works .
25 Using the equation above , the probability that a difference of this order has been missed in this series of experiments is less than 1% for both acid and pepsin .
26 At the touch of a button , the metallic strip on an identity card will surrender every scrap of information about us stored by any government department , as well as whatever ‘ confidential ’ and uncheckable information may have been collected by secret means .
27 At the Allan Hills about 1200 specimens have been collected from 75 sq .
28 ( There were even reports of some of them being sent to bases in Iran well away from Allied bombing , much as had been done with civil aircraft in Amman in the 1980s . )
29 The September issue of Catholic Voice , our diocesan newspaper , carried an insert — four pages giving an overview of the diocese — what has been done by many people — clergy and laity — during recent years — what should be developed or initiated , together with a general account of the financial position .
30 The ambassador reported that " The Emperor is monitoring the serious political illness which has gripped all countries , and believes his empire very far from being immune from infection " ; Nicholas was now of the opinion that " Highly reprehensible principles have been disseminated among young people who completed their university courses around three years ago , among people who have lived abroad for a long time , and also among teachers , professors , writers and journalists .
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