Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [verb] you [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps , I only say perhaps , I promise nothing , ’ he said , throwing his purse carelessly from one hand to another , ‘ perhaps I have been told to give you a present when you lose your apprentice . ’
2 Exercise 13.3 has been set to give you an opportunity to try reading a table with four variables in it .
3 Your Royal Highness , Ladies and Gentlemen my name 's Rod I normally masquerade as the Chief Racing Coach for the Royal Yachting Association but I 'm not here in that capacity this afternoon but the coordinator rather a grand title for the Year of Youth Sailing and I 've been asked to give you a short ten minutes or so briefing on where we 're up to with th this project this year erm I know there are many familiar faces around so I apologize to those of you that may know some of this information already .
4 Since the former church hall is leased by the Catholic Church to the Priory for use as a function room , I have been asked to send you a copy of my letter outlining the objections made to this application .
5 I have been asked to send you the following extract from the Minutes of the Computing Sub-Group meeting held 24 March 1993 .
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