Example sentences of "been [adj] [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It had already been possible to offset some of the costs of industrial building , but this incentive was now extended to commercial projects in the zones .
2 As far as the capital receipt money goes , not all , it 's not been possible to spend all of that this year because the development of some of these urban traffic calming schemes is actually very complicated and we 've had to re-think some of them .
3 It has been possible to do this with the help of donations from Crisis — the national charity for single homeless people ; the Law Society ; the London Boroughs Grants C Committee and the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux .
4 While the excavation was in progress , it may have been possible to wash some of the finds and mark each one with a code indicating where it was found : this task has to be completed before any further work can be done .
5 Thanks were expressed to all members of committee for their help and support during the year with special thanks to the new members who had fitted in so well and had been willing to get involved in all the work of the committee … to the ex-officio members of the committee Councillor Mrs. B. Brereton , Councillor H.D.G. Fraser and G. Lightheart the community education officer .
6 Thanks were expressed to all members of committee for their help and support during the year with special thanks to the new members who had fitted in so well and had been willing to get involved in all the work of the committee … to the ex-officio members of the committee Councillor Mrs. B. Brereton , Councillor H.D.G. Fraser and G. Lightheart the community education officer .
7 Most empiricists , for example , have been prepared to do this with secondary qualities , such as colours , sounds and smells , which , they believe , science could not allow to the external world .
8 To put it another way , the English have always been prepared to let some of their old live alone .
9 Discussions with Bruce were initiated immediately after the Lincoln parliament of September 1327 , and the English seem to have been prepared to accept most of Bruce 's proposals .
10 He has been careful to hide most of its nine-storey bulk underground , which suits its other use , as the town library , and he says that the gallery courtyard , with generous cascading staircases linking all the public levels , has been inspired by the hill towns of the region , with their steps and terraces .
11 And since I believe that criticism can not be a substitute for the reading of the novel , I 've been content to sketch some of the general truths which I think lie behind it , and a familiarity with which would I think help to illuminate an eventual reading of À la recherche du temps perdu .
12 To hear Rosemary tell it , it sounded as though she 'd been lucky to reach twenty-two without some vainglorious male trying it on .
13 As a result , reforms like school boards and compulsory testing for primary school pupils — which would have been unlikely to survive unscathed in the more consensual days of previous Tory administrations — have been implemented and then decisively rejected by the public .
14 She had previously benefitted from a credit and loan scheme , but had been unable to continue due to lack of funds .
15 Although the church has traditionally been reluctant to expose those to whom it delivers this service to public attention , the general assembly ought to know of the scale of the kirk 's response .
16 Doctors at the French town of Moutiers said if they had been told sooner on Saturday they may have been able to save some of the victim 's lives .
17 Doctors at the French town of Moutiers said if they had been told sooner on Saturday they may have been able to save some of the victim 's lives .
18 And as you 've seen with previous closures of our homes , the last three , is that we 've been able to utilize some of those resources to provide that shift in policy which has been very successful , and has , er , a process that we 've got has allayed people 's fears who 've been used for those residential home agreements .
19 We have been able to demonstrate this at Westbury , for the bones from the rodent earth ( unit 15/8 : see Chapter 6 ) , where careful excavation with dental picks revealed complete bones with constituent parts in position but separated from each other by narrow cracks .
20 To assist in the establishment of such a regime the bureaucracy must have been able to conserve most of its resources intact through the preceding liberal-democratic regime .
21 We had spent most of the morning going through our kit , because a Rumanian and an Irishman had n't been able to pronounce one of the lines of a song correctly .
22 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
23 Keep said RADAR had been able to resolve 130 of the 418 cases which had been brought to it , ‘ most of them satisfactorily ’ .
24 I have n't been able to explain this to Dr Grossman , because he would n't understand , but you will understand , and I hope be happy for me .
25 What remained of the gardens was now given over to the university 's botany department , and so the building had been able to retain much of its outward character .
26 I was getting hungry and frustrated because I had n't been able to enjoy any of it .
27 Has the water been able to ease some of the worries and concerns in the camps ?
28 For example , one partner facilitated the removal of carpet tiles so that our staff and parents have been able to carpet most of the school .
29 And if she had n't been able to judge this from their dress , she would have from their voices as , one following the other , they said , ‘ Good evening . ’
30 It was a pity that she had n't been able to use one of his handkerchiefs , a strand of his hair .
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