Example sentences of "been [art] [noun sg] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 All agree that the main beneficiaries of the indigenization process have been the state functionaries and those few Nigerians who now sit on the boards of TNCs ( see Ake , 1985 ; Hoogvelt , 1979 ) .
2 At Martin Brundle 's lunch in London I discovered that Maurice Hamilton had been the Mastermind question-setter and he reported that if I thought answering them was hard , he had found setting them a good deal harder .
3 It had once been the master bedroom and looked out on the woods to the east .
4 It does have some impact I 'm sure that you 've been the training session and you thought it 's really good , really got a lot out of it and you 're quite surprised to see someone sitting next to you did n't like that much at all , you thought hmm wonder why that is because I found the content really interesting and it could have been the content matter did n't really sort of do anything for the people , it could have been the way it was put together , put over and the way it was actually structured .
5 As I passed what had been the marshalling yard and sidings , I glanced at the rows of rusting buffer stops and rotting wooden buffer beams , and conjured up a picture of its lines of laden coal wagons waiting to be despatched and the coal empties waiting to be taken to the collieries to be filled .
6 Matters would have been made that much simpler had the guild clerk also been the parish clerk and it might well have been the case in some instances .
7 There had been no guard rails and the men had had no experience or instructions to carry out the job .
8 The very existence of the interment camps had been a state secret and virtually all the materials on display would have been ‘ classified ’ before the recent revolution .
9 He has never been a road man and now all the dedication at tracks like Aghadowey and Nutt 's Corner as well as Kirkistown has paid off .
10 His grandfather had been a master baker and , in one of the many family stories Mark had heard at his grandfather 's knee , he had been told of how his great-grandfather had served Benjamin Disraeli with a standing daily order of twelve French loaves , burnt and rasped .
11 The whole area was no more than ten or fifteen years old , straggling along either side of what had once been a country road and ending messily with the shell of an unfinished building of some indeterminate nature .
12 He was the son of a woman who had been a nightclub singer and briefly married to Juan Gómez , that was all my tired mind seemed able to grasp .
13 It has always been a corn mill and continued working , somewhat sporadically , up to the middle of the 1950s .
14 Her mother never tired of speaking of her own father , Don Humberto , who had been a gentleman adventurer and a favourite at the court of King John , but she had never met Dom João and could only assure Sara that if he was at all like his grandfather or his Uncle Pedro ( the one who had died at sea ) he would be a man of great charm , intelligence and wit .
15 Noel Hayes , a stockbroker who in his time has been a building analyst and up until the beginnig of this year was head of sales at Citicorp-Scrimgeour Vickers , becomes chief executive and Sam Oxford , the former chairman of Magnet & Southerns , joins as a non-executive director .
16 I remember when after a few months in uniform duty , walking the beat , I was on West End Road , next to the Olympic Theatre , where there had been a building site and there was Collins World Fair there .
17 There had been a gas explosion and there were several casualties .
18 He had been a mining engineer and away for months at a time .
19 General practice research has been a minority activity and underfunded in the past
20 He had also been a division president and group vice-president of Aydin Corporation , a computer systems and controls organization and a founder and executive vice-president of Delta Data Systems for close to ten years .
21 The victims have been a prison officer and three Roman Catholic civilians , one of them a woman .
22 I saw that she still wore an engagement ring , but she told me very quickly that her fiancé had been a bomber pilot and he was dead , and it was not the same man she had been engaged to when she joined up .
23 The 23 remaining ex-Croydon cars were soon put into service on the various routes based on New Cross depôt , but 396 had been a war casualty and 376 damaged beyond repair in an accident just after the war .
24 I leant out of the bedroom window and there was a man waiting there who said there had been a car crash and could he telephone . ’
25 He had been a Borough Councillor and Magistrate , a Director of Swain & Co. and Christy & Co. , and a Liveryman of both the Fishmongers ' and Felt-makers ' Companies in London .
26 His sisters had curtsied to the vicar ; his brothers had gone to war in 1914 , and one of them had died at Vimy Ridge ; his father had been a farm bailiff and died in 1911 after being bitten by a horse ( misnamed Lucky ) .
27 For Courtney this was a return to Africa , for he had been a big-game hunter and had once canoed down the Nile from Lake Victoria .
28 The building had originally been a manor house and must have looked beautiful in its heyday .
29 But when she had washed her hair and dressed in a new pair of designer jeans and a silk shirt that had been a Christmas present and which she 'd never worn before — it was n't to Eva 's house that she went but back down into the town , towards the theatre and the Franz Joseph .
30 Christopher Hill had always acknowledged that it was doubtful that there had been a Ranter organisation and difficult to define what ‘ the Ranters ’ as a group believed as opposed to individuals whose views came to be labelled as Ranters .
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