Example sentences of "been [adj] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You have been asleep for the past two hours . ’
2 Iain Ogilvy McWhirter ( Senior English and Religious Instruction ) had been asleep for the past ten minutes , but Tom Tedder ( Art and Woodwork ) said ‘ Arrgh ’ through closed lips , and that seemed to do well enough .
3 In fact , the revenue has been stable for the last three years .
4 TWO British actresses , Elizabeth Hurley and Lysette Anthony , have been short-listed for the leading female role in Gone With The Wind II : Scarlett .
5 He had been dry for the past twenty years .
6 Since it has been weak for the past two months , calling for cheaper money is as irrelevant as wanting trees to blossom in an Arctic winter .
7 It would not have been possible for the long progression towards the perfect physical being , to have ever occurred at all , if it were encumbered by the constraints of compassion , an emotion which , by the very nature of evolution was completely non-existent before the dawn of civilisation .
8 Had the House of Lords retained the power to block the Commons utterly , and particularly had it not been possible for the Labour administration of 1945–51 force through its nationalisation policies by using the Parliament Act procedure to amend the 1911 Act , it is likely that the House of Lords would have been abolished .
9 It has not been possible for the American navy to leave behind the assets that it had developed there , but my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence will certainly take note of the point that the hon. Lady raised about Ministry of Defence assets in the area .
10 If it had been possible for the old Castle to grow darker , Grainne thought it would have done so in the hour that followed .
11 Doug Williams , a manager in the bank 's insurance group , says the operation has been profitable for the past two years and is already seen as a significant part of Chase 's retail service .
12 Under the management of CEO Denis Brown , and financially re-structured ( UX No 402 ) , the company has been profitable for the last six quarters and is once again in growth mode , although margins are down and international sales weak .
13 Bill Muggeridge , he noted with regret , had been free for the first hour , when Pumfrey and Fenniway had been busy with the Fromes , but was not free again until after lunch .
14 Sharon 's father has been unemployed for the last three years .
15 Some of them have been empty for the 20 years since they were built , others have been empty for just a few years .
16 It 's been amazing for the very fact that everything is so different , every job is different .
17 Thus , it has hitherto been appropriate for the professional partnership where limited liability is forbidden .
18 Together they started to laugh , the deep chuckle and the dry whispery cackle rolling past the monks , who returned with a start to their praying ; past Bridhe , Elizabeth , Marion , Hector and his young attendants , the women , clan officers , nephews , cousins , clansmen great and common , clustered weeping at the death-bed of the man who had been chief for the whole life-time of most of them .
19 The system has also been ported to an MS-DOS environment , an operation which would have been impossible for the rule-based system .
20 She was worried about her husband ; it had been obvious for the past few days that something was preying on his mind .
21 Forty nine of the patients were under 50 at presentation ; this proportion has been constant for the past 10 years .
22 . Just think of this food , clothing , shoes all to come out of my earnings the average of £3.9.9d. a little more sometimes , a few shillings Bonus , and my son has been ill for the past three weeks , whos going to pay the doctors Bill also I have lost time at work through air raid warnings no pay .
23 It would have been hard for the toughest , most stable and secure character to stand up to being dream symbol to the world .
24 It is arguable that the friction between locals and newcomers which has been a common feature of village life in recent years is only a temporary problem brought about by the dislocation of established social patterns which have been hard for the social life of the village to digest , and that once the newly arrived population has either taken over entirely or ‘ settled down ’ to a rural existence many of the initial problems will be reconciled .
25 In what building , the paper asked , has the Revival been satisfactory for the present day ; ‘ are Government Offices to form one of this series of costly and unpromising experiments ? ’
26 And in his spare time , he has been on-call for the past six years to wear a yellow helmet as a Retained Leading Firefighter with D Division of Strathclyde Fire Brigade based at Ardrossan .
27 German genre subjects have been flat for the past few seasons , so it was a pleasant surprise that Franz von Defregger 's ‘ Tyrolean zither player ’ ( est. $70–90,00 ) sold for $105,000 ( £70,000 ) .
28 Praxis , a 165-person concern founded in 1983 , sees the acquisition as a way of growing its business , which has been flat for the last few years .
29 It had not been reasonable for the Royal Mail to use their dismissals as an example of enforcement of the new rules .
30 It has been traditional for the theoretical chemists to run series of seminars additional to those in Physical Chemistry , and it is expected that the Coulson Professor will wish to continue this .
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