Example sentences of "been [adj] in [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The complete plan , however , should have a surrounding portico or ambulatory , as would have been normal in temples of this type .
2 It had always been generous in terms of sick pay and sympathetic and understanding towards employees with family problems , though it expected high standards of dress and deportment and lateness , absenteeism and incivility were not tolerated .
3 Companies operating in a competitive environment have always been interested in details of their competitors ' performance , and the operation of market forces ensures that those that fail to match their competitors also fail to survive .
4 Meanwhile my interest in the film industry through Hellen Semmens was not the only reason for becoming an active member of the Vancouver Film Society — I have always been interested in films for their own sake .
5 The Minoans seem to have been self-sufficient in terms of basic needs , which must have put them in a position of trading strength , but they relied on imports for supplies of exotic raw materials for the manufacture of luxury goods .
6 Not only have such unsupervised activities been questionable in terms of economics , they have also had a profound effect on the river environment .
7 In three cases technical difficulties were encountered at the time of surgery and the procedure was acknowledged to have been inadequate in terms of gastric devascularisation .
8 The first and most important consideration is that in the forty years since 9 August 1945 , despite the fact that all the nuclear powers have been involved in wars at one time or another , nuclear weapons have not once been used militarily .
9 He also emphasised his concern that the FEC was not being included in the process of dissociation and had not been involved in discussions on social and economic issues with Slovenia .
10 A spokeswoman claimed that Itoh had been involved in discussions with Sun regarding OEM supply of the X-terminal built by C Itoh , but Sun had decided to go its own way .
11 Dounreay has been involved in discussions with Atomic Energy Canada Ltd. about the possibility of reprocessing spent fuel rods from AECL 's NRX , NRU and Slowpoke-2 research reactors , five more Slowpoke-2s from universities and colleges — from Toronto , Montreal , Halifax , Edmonton and Kingston — and yet another Slowpoke-2 at the Saskatchewan research council in Saskatoon .
12 Touche Ross had been involved in discussions with COSLA and the Scottish Office and had provided all of the supporting information and details .
13 As part of this procedure the Authority has been involved in meetings with parents and governors of the schools concerned .
14 Earlier , Det Sgt John Clark had said he had been involved in meetings with other police forces all over the country after a number of raids on TSB branches in which cash dispensers were forced open using oxy-acetylene equipment .
15 Michael Walsh had taught in the school for six years , and had been involved in meetings in the Humanities department when the idea was discussed :
16 This year we have been involved in projects in both Hong Kong and Mauritius , while our Waste Management Information Bureau , which draws on the resources of the whole of AEA , has responded to a record number of enquiries during the year .
17 Looking at examples of day-to-day practical assistance , it is apparent that women have been involved in exchanging this with other women much more commonly than men have been involved in exchanges with women , or with other men .
18 Hurtado had been involved in disagreements over economic policy with Industry and Commerce Minister Guido Pennano , who criticized the government 's IMF-backed tight fiscal policy for deepening the recession , failing to cure hyperinflation , and making exports uncompetitive by overvaluing the inti .
19 Metocean have a wide range of clients in the oil , gas and water industries and have been involved in studies worth millions of pounds .
20 Tim Roberts , prosecuting , said Summersgill had been involved in burglaries at a butcher 's , a shop and a show house .
21 Having elaborated the paradoxical conditions of historicity , of any history or totalization , Derrida himself has been particularly concerned to analyse those such as Husserl , Heidegger or Levinas , who have been involved in investigations of time and temporality .
22 Bill Knowles , the general manager of the Ipswich Co-op — who has been involved in talks with the NCP — said he was confident the scheme would go ahead but the timing had to be right .
23 Schools have always been involved in issues of resource management such as the allocation of capitation allowances .
24 Currently the DLP executive chairman , Kim Young Sam had been involved in struggles within the DLP over his candidacy for the presidential elections .
25 Having been involved in displays of this kind for some years , the northwest clubs ' displays were very elaborate and some clever display techniques were seen .
26 Some who had gone to Israel had been involved in protests from July 1985 onwards against the ruling of the Chief Rabbinate that they should undertake a " formal " conversion to Judaism [ see p. 34008 ] .
27 Most of the humans who have been involved in rescues of dolphins or small whales such as pilot whales will readily admit that it is an emotional and moving experience .
28 And not a single functionary , manager or administrator has ever been involved in proceedings of this nature . ’
29 Jonah and Petrovsky were to be assisted by Giandomenico Picco ( Italy , who had been involved in negotiations for the release of hostages in Lebanon — see pp. 38550 ; 38694 ) and Sotirios Mousouris ( Greece ) , both with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General .
30 UN Assistant Secretary-General Giandomenico Picco and German Minister of State at the Chancellery Bernd Schmidbauer had also been involved in negotiations for the releases .
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