Example sentences of "been [adj] [prep] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As it was , this first ever trip on a narrow boat looked like being her last , and she had been asleep for most of it .
2 The storeroom ( yes , she had been right about that after all ) was not very big and not very well lit .
3 Loyal Norling praised the refereeing of the games ; but from where I was sitting in most of the games an unfit Norling with his flair and two good touch judges would have been preferable to most of the referees I saw .
4 It has been possible for many of us , for example , to respond to dance from quite other cultures , and to sculpture , carving and painting not only from other cultures but from other , often very remote , times .
5 This desolate landscape has been that of much of the earth for the greater part of its history .
6 The effect has been that for most of this century Britain has had to hold interest rates higher than has been necessary or desirable .
7 Because Marx never did write this anthropological work , it is futile to speculate too much on how his position would have been different from that of Engels .
8 The exposure of the other terrestrial planets , because they occupy different parts of the Solar System , has been different from that of the Earth and the Moon .
9 Clearly their views may have been different from those of the people who died , but respondents are likely to have taken into account the reactions of their relatives and friends , and how these respondents felt about the care in the homes is also of interest and concern .
10 A mother in her early twenties in Coventry , who has been unemployed for most of the time since leaving school , said :
11 Again we are faced with having to read between the lines , but the allusions must have been clear to most of Bukharin 's contemporaries .
12 This fiction has various names : ‘ private eye fiction ’ , ‘ hardboiled fiction ’ which is a way of describing its style , and erm I have been interested in this for some time , partly trying to assess the reasons why such fiction occurred in America as a complete breakaway from the old kind of detective fiction which we all know about , the country house murder , why erm the figure of the private detective becomes so important in this kind of fiction between the wars , and what the relationship of this sort of fiction is to not merely other kinds of American fiction during that period but to more abiding American themes , particularly erm themes of individualism and toughness .
13 The notion had not been popular with many of the arts people in the Council , and he recalls one lady saying in a meeting that she would ‘ not give up one page of Beowulf for all the science in the world ’ .
14 The Bank has been fortunate in that during this time we have been associated with a Grand Slam in 1984 and a share of the Five Nations Championship in 1986 .
15 Oswiu 's involvement must have been minimal in all of them .
16 It can not have been easy for either of them .
17 It would have been easy for any of them to say : ‘ I 'm swimming for shore , it 's every man for himself ’ sort of thing , but they did n't .
18 The function of the Petit Meslier has thus been similar to that of the Petit Verdot in Bordeaux .
19 In some other countries , such as the southern African nations , the situation has been similar to that of some parts of Latin America , but there has been more freedom in recent months .
20 In some other countries , such as the southern African nations , the situation has been similar to that of some parts of Latin America , but there has been more freedom in recent months .
21 There is his Author 's Note to Victorious Troy to assure us that he has spoken with a boy whose experience had been similar to that of Dick Pomfret and that cases where dismasted sailing ships without officers had been brought to port by boys were not unknown , but we hardly need this assurance in order to believe that Dick , not unaided but with a responsibility beyond his years , did in fact bring the Hurrying Angel home in the end .
22 He claimed that the military significance of Porkkala for the USSR had been similar to that of Guantanamo for the United States .
23 Retirement has been central to all of these , although the complexity of its impact has yet to be fully explored .
24 Her own policy agenda , as King notes , has often been separate from that of the Cabinet or Conservative party .
25 Throughout the course of medical history , Scottish names have been synonymous with some of the greatest advances in science and Prof Gibson will be remembered as the pioneering force behind tissue transplantation .
26 This increase in the money supply has been disproportionate to that in any other West European or North American country .
27 Based on the following , delegates , I 've been lucky like many of you , to live in a country where I have had available to me a National Health Service that has been the envy of the world .
28 For the past 43 years , since the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947 , agriculture and forestry have been exempt from most of the Act 's planning controls .
29 It nevertheless seems clear that the brand of Whiggery we associate with the Walpolean ascendancy of the 1720s and 1730s was very different from that which had been predominant for much of the later-Stuart period .
30 In fact , life 's been good to both of us since we came to Swinbrook . ’
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