Example sentences of "been [adj] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A levels have been the subject of considerable criticism over the years , but there have been few serious demands that they should be replaced .
2 There had been some 400,000 arrivals since the 1988 elections ( including 240,000 from the former Soviet Union ) , and 240,000 of them were eligible to vote , which was seen as possibly a decisive factor in what was expected to be a close electoral contest .
3 There must have been some great stars and some ecstatic moments in those cosy halls but there must also have been many second- and third-rate performers , constant recourse to stereotypes , excessive repetition , and buckets of sentimentality .
4 There have been some serious ructions when they have played table tennis , with rows and cheating and shouting matches .
5 There have been some important developments since the Bill was last debated in the House almost a year ago .
6 There had been some authoritarian regimes that were also populist and had been sustained by votes not repressive force .
7 Something on the 9221s — the 9730 successors , is also likely , but they have been such poor sellers that there is little interest .
8 They were a primitive and tribal people , and do not seem to have been such fierce opponents as the Saxons .
9 There have been three other spawnings since — I think the male is going to be busy for some time yet !
10 The police took what may or may not have been three different names and addresses and cautioned the men .
11 There have been many other schemes where vandalised and derelict estates have been transferred to the private sector for sale as luxury housing .
12 Since he became leader , there have been many other occasions when his reluctance or inability to get through his homework have let him down and embarrassed his party .
13 Although there have been many marvellous performances that have meant a great deal to me , the most important to me , without doubt , was the only time I heard my first teacher sing .
14 There have been many conflicting ideas and suggestions about what should be done .
15 There have been many Indian papers since , mainly in Durban , which have , to a greater or lesser extent , opposed white supremacy .
16 Since those cases were decided there have been many scientific advances and it would seem that chances of establishing whether or not there are causal relationships between the act alleged to be negligent and the damage alleged to have been suffered as a consequence are better now than formerly .
17 Lord , she 'd been awake ten minutes and already they were at each other 's throats !
18 They had been married fourteen years and there were four strapping children .
19 In actual fact your Pete and Margaret have moved more , in the twelve years that they were married , I know they 've been married longer now , but when , th they been married twelve years and they moved four times ,
20 Of those who have been married thirty years or more , only 4.3 per cent divorce .
21 The trip had also offered temporary escape from her mother 's pointed reminiscences that when she was Polly 's age she had already been married two years and was preparing for the birth of her first child .
22 Australian test-tube teams have been freezing spare embryos since the programme began in 1981 — partly to avoid having to throw unwanted ones away — raising questions ranging from the ownership of the frozen embryo to who pays compensation if it is damaged .
23 There might have been considerable constitutional difficulties if it had turned out that , for the last 10 years , Britain had been ruled by a Martian , or a robot , or a vampire .
24 But since the 1950s , there have been several hundred articles and books , generally written by psychologists , but also from mathematicians , engineers , advertising men and so on .
25 There have , however , been several deaf Princes and Princesses , and a number of Dukes and Earls , and a Queen Consort ( wife of a British King ) .
26 and that a week before it happened , what 's happened to her , cos she do n't hear from her , and she said you know , I , it 's been twenty five years since my mum died Anne , she said and if I did n't make a life ,
27 I thought that , that must of been twenty odd years since dad died then .
28 It 's been twenty three years since I
29 I now realised that there must have been other little gaps and vacancies about the house but , between the tablets and the total absence of any careless talk , I had wiped the whole unfortunate episode right out of my head …
30 His friends already know there could n't have been two closer pals than Julie and Elizabeth .
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