Example sentences of "been [verb] by [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , after she had been joined by two others whose grasp of the English language was as poor as hers , they booked in to two rooms .
2 At Philadelphia he had been joined by two others in what was obviously a preplanned meeting since the moment dinner was cleared away and a new round of gin and diet tonics ordered they began a miniature board meeting .
3 By early July the two Meteor F.4s had been joined by two Meteor T.7s ( and a Tiger Moth ! ) and the crews were introduced to the ‘ joys ’ of jet asymmetric flying .
4 The plutonium-powered scientific space probe Galileo , whose launch had been delayed by 11 days due to a combination of technical faults and attempts by anti-nuclear activists to gain a court injunction to ground it , was launched on Oct. 17 , 1989 , aboard the space shuttle Atlantis .
5 Announcement of the England team , originally scheduled for 10.00am , had been delayed by two hours so that Gooch could give Daffy the bad news .
6 Old Mother Jacobsen had once told her how Møn — ‘ The Maid ’ — had been languishing in the frozen Arctic Circle , abandoned by her sun-craving lover , when her cries of anguish had been heard by two giants .
7 Opened for signature at UNCED in Rio in June 1992 [ see ED 59-60 ] , the biodiversity convention had 160 signatories to date , and had been ratified by six countries ; it thus needed 24 more ratifications in order to come into effect .
8 The international global warming treaty , signed at last year 's Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro , has so far been ratified by 31 nations , out of the 50 required for entry into force .
9 As of Oct. 31 , 1989 , it had been ratified by 15 states ( see pp. 35984 ; 36565 for Turkey 's ratification in February 1988 ) .
10 The detailed work has been undertaken by two subgroups , also multi agency and with practitioner involvement .
11 The initial problem is that Major is a Conservative and Clinton is a Democrat , and although party differences are not necessarily a bar to a good relationship , the problem has been compounded by two incidents during the US election campaign .
12 The Association of French Businesses for the Environment has been formed by 15 companies , chaired by president of Rhone-Poulenc , Jean-Rene Fourtou .
13 In the few hours since she had brought the house down she had been interviewed by three tabloids , Sky Television and by Tony Howard for ‘ Newsnight ’ .
14 But a post-mortem examination showed the animal had been felled by one blow with a sledge-hammer or similar weapon .
15 After this timewasting procedure , George Shackel related how he and his manservant had been attacked by two labourers in Kings Meadow .
16 And when I asked her what she was doing with it , Emma — or maybe it was Sophie — told me that it had been dropped by two men , who were fighting each other behind some trees on the other side of the park . ’
17 Indeed , increased exchangeable sodium in diabetics has been reported by one group of research workers who also showed that diuretic therapy lowered blood pressure while reversing the 10 per cent increased exchangeable sodium to normal ( De Chatel et al , 1977 ; Weidmann et al , 1979 ) .
18 Cases had been reported by 157 countries .
19 Socially and demographically the period has been dominated by two factors — the fall in the size of families and the increase in the expectation of survival to retirement , the effects of which are still far from having exhausted themselves .
20 Traditionally the criminal work in the busy city magistrates ' courts had been dominated by three firms .
21 Erm , are now in the process of following up to see if who has made er the switch to the new regime , and I have been approached by one project leader who has two programmers who refused to change , and has asked for help .
22 Since inquiries began , the police have been approached by nine women who say he attacked them .
23 Within her first year Diana had been approached by 150 charities .
24 Divorce of this kind was first introduced into English law by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 , and from then until 1969 it was based upon the doctrine that some matrimonial offence ( such as adultery or desertion ) must have been committed by one spouse before the other could obtain relief .
25 To cheers , it was announced yesterday morning that a composite motion reaffirming full equality and 16 years as the age of homosexual consent had been carried by 3,702,000 votes to 2,317,000 .
26 These people could have been addressed by one man who would have been heard comfortably .
27 America , like Spain itself , had been ruined by three centuries of theological intolerance and political despotism ; if a unitary liberal constitution was the remedy in Spain , it must also be the remedy in America .
28 The whole museum has been built by one man , our membership secretary , Philip Field , over a period of more than a decade .
29 Mr Jones had been visited by four ex-members of the seamen 's union who read the Mirror article .
30 We 'd been visited by 700 people .
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