Example sentences of "been [verb] and [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since the 16th century people have been puzzling and researching into the origins of names .
2 He 's been singing and playing at Pepe 's for the last two years , and lots of girls have tried to corner him .
3 Paul Traynor is a freelance journalist who has been walking and backpacking at home and abroad for over 25 years
4 Pace that 's right you 've been cheating and looking on looking on the next page
5 The handkerchief that she 'd been twisting and untwisting at our first interview came out again , this time to her eyes .
6 ‘ Now do stop fussing around , ’ his wife said to him after he had been tossing and turning for about an hour .
7 Even though she had n't got to bed till the small hours , and had been feeling totally exhausted , she 'd been tossing and turning for what seemed like hours , utterly unable to sleep .
8 … once the CNAA even began to lend its support to this development , there literally was a kind of explosion , and plainly institutions had been looking and waiting for validation in this field …
9 She had tried to locate him for over two years , in both America and Canada , where John had been living and working for a number of years .
10 Margaret St Clare has been living and working in the Zimbabwe countryside since January 1984 .
11 The skills involved in drafting work , examining what has been written and thinking about what has been written in relation to the original purpose of the assignment are skills which teachers stress heavily .
12 It could have been Hick holding together a Worcestershire innings — and that is exactly what England have been waiting and hoping for from the man who had completed 57 first-class hundreds before he was 25 .
13 ‘ I 've been waiting and waiting for you to do that .
14 Currently supporting over 400 companies in the UK , FCS has been designing and putting into operation distribution systems for over 12 years .
15 Now , if you see a ploughed field today , it looks exactly as if a lot of pigs have been a-hoggin' and a-rootin' on it up . ’
16 You can almost hear the excitement pouring out of the Master as one of his pupils gets the hang of something he 's been teaching and modelling for the past year .
17 Whatever the explanation for that — clusters of leukaemia occur in many places far removed from nuclear sites — no scientific connection has been demonstrated and scaremongering about Dounreay is deeply damaging and much to be deplored .
18 Bicker was there , looking as tired as if he and not they had been riding and fighting in the past three days .
19 But yesterday McLean said it was Burgess who had been kicking and stamping on the victim .
20 It is this that we have been displaying and using in publications .
21 George : ‘ You would n't have been born and writing for THE FACE if it was n't for someone spunking off . ’
22 ‘ To heaven , of course , ’ said Dotty tartly , seizing an enormous wooden spoon and advancing upon an iron saucepan which had been rumbling and grumbling to itself throughout the conversation .
23 It probably dates from after 1864 when Henry Pease turned his attention to the gardens of the mansion he had been enlarging and improving since 1846 .
24 While the CNAA had been debating and arriving at a new policy statement , a considerable diversity of approaches had developed in the institutions .
25 Been poking and prying into what do n't concern you , eh ? ’
26 Tony Quinn is an expert in holistic therapy and has been studying and working in the field for years .
27 The Royal National Institute for the Blind has been educating and caring for blind people for one hundred and 25 years .
28 Doctor 's with your Pappy now , Miss Cora-Beth , and he 's ill with grieving and Jake went off on horseback not half an hour ago to fetch you and Mr Harry back from your party and we 's been waitin' and waitin' for you … ’
29 It is about a principle for which people have been fighting and dying for centuries — the indisputable right to self-determination .
30 It is the same battle , in a new form , which dates centuries back , and which finds support from peoples all over the ‘ Third World ’ who have been fighting and dying for too long for something which is so clearly their birthright .
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